I have to say that i personally like Nightfall - but couldn't say if it's my "favorite" of all 3 chapter's or not. I'm not all that far into the game yet (heck, all Elona chars are still in Kamadan! hehehehe) but I';m enjoying it so far.
- Hero system rocks! I hate pugs with a passion as I will always tend to get the leroy's and other idiot's.. so end up henchining everything.. and Hero's >>>>>> hgenchies. You can adjust their profession's and skills - so if you need a warrior with a certain build.. Koss is there.. or if you need him as another build.. thats fine too! you can also equip them with better equipment than the henchies. Over all a good thing!
- Finally have the "looks" on certain character classes that I'll actually play. I know some people might scoff at not playing a character class because of look's... but if your playing a char a lot and seeing them in cinematics and such.. you'll want to be able to "stand" looking at that character. If it's ugly and you hate it.. how much do you think you'll like playing it if you like watching cutscene's like me? LOL
- Moving mouth's! Yes, they finally have updated the mouth's in cutscene's so that they will move when the character speaks!
- attitude! Only have Koss so far.. but I LOVE his attitude in cutscene's (and the screenshot I've seen of him using a quiote from SoaP). That comment of his "there's only 2 coursair ships and 3 of us.." and "I did it.. errr we did it".. that rocked! I love the new injection of attitude so far.. can't wait to see more.
- Classes. I'm loving the 2 new classes. I actually want to play both of them... unlike faction's where I had an Assassin I played up to the 2nd mission.. and then went back to playing core professsion's.. and i have still got no Ritualist's.. but I have both a Paragon and a Dervish.. and am split between which of the 2 I want to play! hehehehehe
Can't really comment of storyline or the graphics.. but I'm enjoying Nightfall so far. Maybe this will be the 1st chapter I actually complete