I can't trade!
Freee bird
When I'm trading with somone and both had accept the trading is canceled! why is this happening? (I don't have full inventory)
You get some kind of message or is the trade just cancelled and that's it??
Freee bird
Yes no message just cancelled.
Well, i dont know why this is happening, but i suggest you report it to anet via their supportpages...
if you got 95k on you and your trying to sell something for say 10k "makes 105k on you" the trade would cancel since you can only have 100k on you.
make sure the other guy puts his gold away aswell if your the buyer "giving gold"
make sure the other guy puts his gold away aswell if your the buyer "giving gold"
Freee bird
Well is working now agen but I don't now what's the problem was. (and I only had about 60 k on me).
The Pointless
The trade will auto-cancel under the following conditions:
1) The receiver of an item has a full inventory or will be taking more items than he has room for
2) The receiver of Gold already has 100K on his person or will be accepting more gold than he has room for.
1) The receiver of an item has a full inventory or will be taking more items than he has room for
2) The receiver of Gold already has 100K on his person or will be accepting more gold than he has room for.