1) You should be able to equip minipets. taking them out every... freakin... time.... is GD annoying..
2) Officer ranking system--- I KNOW THIS HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE AND TOPICS HAVE BEEN CLOSED FOR IT!!!! IT NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF ANET!!! if u close this, ill hunt you down
heres the idea
-Guild Leader- Can bann people
-Assistant Leader- Can do the same as leader, but cannot change the faction from lux to kurz, or change alliances. can kick officers of need be.
-Officers- Can kick members- enforce the rules
-Rank 2 members- Considered for officership, no powers
-Rank 1 members- Basic members
3) There should be able to be a chat made only for Assistant leaders, Officers, and Guild Leader... noone else can see it, one for alliance one for guild
4) Hall Auctioneer- you can either sell or auction things off. Also, could be used with material stacks, dyes, and collectors items.
suggestions- sw33t
So, like, if you know it has been suggested before, there's a reason why the topics get locked, because it's already taken up as a suggestion. methinks.
because it needs to be done. too many alliances i have been in are disorganized, and most people leave. no authority, or too much
Originally Posted by PieXags
Do not post "A Few Ideas" threads. If you have more than one idea ---first double check with the search button and the index thread to make sure they're fresh suggestions, and create a seperate thread for each one with a relevant title.