Warriors and Rangers should be able to mount animals. You can buy armor for them, but when they die, the armor goes into your inventory (as one piece). You have to re-capture an animal when the one you have dies, can heal over-time like you can. Can Dismount/Mount
Mounting- speed getting on maximum atttibute rank, 5
Demounting- speed getting off maximum attribute rank, 5
Lancing- Skill fighting on back maximum attributre rank 5
Dean Harper
No, mounting would be just too overpowering to teh other profs that cant. Especially if the mounted animal can attack and move faster than a char on foot....
i didnt say the animals can attack- simply they look cool.
Dean Harper
I still dont see the point in it... doesnt really tie in with GW
Ryuken Tamashi
Face reality...NOT GOING TO HAPPEN...and if for some weird reason it does, and it won't only be for ranger and warrior. For popular reasons.
Originally Posted by legobildermike
Warriors and Rangers should be able to mount animals. You can buy armor for them, but when they die, the armor goes into your inventory (as one piece). You have to re-capture an animal when the one you have dies, can heal over-time like you can. Can Dismount/Mount
Attributes Mounting- speed getting on maximum atttibute rank, 5 Demounting- speed getting off maximum attribute rank, 5 Lancing- Skill fighting on back maximum attributre rank 5 |
why didnt someone else think of it?
first of many useless pages.
Thread / Thread Starter Created Replies Views Mounts/horsies ludwigdude 23:41 14-Jul-06 11 88 anybody think that there should be mounts in the new expansion or update or somthing? ya the telporting system is great its just that i could explore more places and.. personally it... Mounts.... Undead Preacher 10:36 5-Jul-06 46 551 I know with the way guild wars is designed mounts are pretty much impossible..... Mounts could work Neo's pet sandwich 17:00 7-May-06 24 269 So I'll set up the ground rules for mounts and give a few examples.-Having a mount takes away 1-3 skill slots (depends on the mount eg.. dragon takes 3) and counts as your an elite... mounts in gw? down2one 01:48 24-Jan-06 8 146 is there a possibility of mounts being implemented in gw... Mounts? midget with big sword 21:57 8-Aug-05 8 148 WoW much but it would be nice to have mounts(horses,dragons,big ducks,etc).. It would also be fun to be able to fight from your mount. Flight would also be fun but i think that is a li... Mounts. Guild Master 19:16 1-Aug-05 28 346 Mounts should be in the game.. Here is how it would work:You are level 10Mounts cost 3000 faction to purchaseYou PvP or GvG a lotYou have enough factionYou use faction to ... Mounts (horses, camels, wolves, tigers, bears) Sofia Sofia Sofia 17:45 20-Jul-05 12 165 why not mounts?Reasons for getting mounts:Faster traveling during questsIncreased level of tactics in battles i.e..I imagine the mount will have its own health bar and will b... Mount Ideas (hope devs read this ) Raduwalker 01:39 16-Jun-05 14 213 5 in beast mastery you can tame a mount that gives +5% speed increase when you ride it.at 9 or so, you can tame and ride a mount that gives +10% speed increaseand... Mounts and higher levels Torn Noxec 05:16 14-Jun-05 15 203 Yeah this is something in WoW, but I think this would be really cool... Mounts!! Lord Alawane 20:57 23-May-05 72 1300 Gah I want a mount damnit! With sweet animations that let me attack on it with a small % reduction in damage.Different mounts for different classes... Mounts please oh and please no more protective icons! Zarconis 14:15 2-May-05 1 183 If I had a mount I could easily go back and complete the handful of quests that I opted not to because of this very issue.. Mount being a means for avoiding combat and moving faster... "Mounts" in GW!! generik 06:32 13-Feb-06 25 946 <-... Should Mounts be added gangguard 04:54 24-Mar-05 35 691 I think mounts would be fun so makes travelling fast and fun although you can teleport.. But maybe you can add some mount keys, e.g go wild basically running around without you direct... In-game mounting Fox Skyre 22:13 18-Jun-05 33 476 Does anyone else think that it would be pretty cool if they updated the game in a way that players could hire out Moa bird etc.... PET ideas. conditions/mounts kirch1jt 14:52 17-Oct-06 8 63 pets that once they hit lvl 20 you can mount them for additional boosts... Enable in-game mounting Fox Skyre 22:10 18-Jun-05 5 210 Does any1 else thing it would be pretty kool if u cud jus jump on the back of a Moa bird and use it to get around faster?... do we have mount in GW dexxa 19:39 1-May-05 1 205 like riding a horse or something. it would be really cool if we can... Will there ever be mounts(horses, etc.), katanas and spears? Rage81 21:32 3-Dec-05 2 96 Im wondering if the GW team will ever put in mounts, katanas, spears and all that in the next chapter... Are there any pets or mounts in this game? alestian 14:12 28-Apr-05 4 335 I was just wondering, can you get a mount or a pet in this game? ... [Concept Class] Dragoon/DragonKnight actionjack 20:32 10-Dec-05 54 1312 Mount you can choose from, each have its own personality and stats.. (See below) Mounting offers many advantage and disadvantage:Pro:- When engage in melee combat, your mounts w... Another New Profession idea: Rider Crowskie 23:28 10-Jul-05 13 279 By themselves, they would suck- hence the need for a mount. Instead of a shield(and/or weapon), you would have reins(Mandatory for any time you are mounted).. Main attacks would come ... npc actions that we can't do DrSLUGFly 05:01 9-Aug-05 12 256 mountscrystal gazeagonizing touch (mursaat skill, not sure on the name)bone dragonanything else to add to this list?edit... Cassie's Wild Ideas Cassie McKnight 10:39 9-Jun-06 13 143 Cassie's Wild IdeasWARHORSE/Mounted CombatHorse would be like a pet is now, except you ride it of course, no speed boost(unless you use a skill ie;charge), but... Quick question? incu_hoob 00:46 25-Apr-05 1 60 i was just wondering if there was going to be mounts. i tryed looking but i didnt see anything one it..so i guess there may be no reason for mounts... It's just not necessary Unnamed 23:07 24-Feb-05 27 808 I see this argument leveled when someone brings up things like mounts, ships, player housing, etc..The reason to have mounts is that mounts are fun.. and mounted combat could offer ce... |
Ryuken Tamashi
LOL this is halarious
Lirael Abhorsen
mounts would only be useful if you have to actually TRAVEL in guildwars. the teleportation system they have pretty much gets rid of the whole need for mounts. in WoW you can have mounts, they increase your travel speed, but its only because in WoW you have to travel everywhere on foot. i kinda wish GW had that same concept because the many loading screens can get boring.
Mounts are actually a very, very effective combat tool, seeing as calvery was basicly the only feudal unit which survived the developement of firearms, and have been used for centuries, it does pose a very significant role in combat.
Issue is, they arn't neccessary for travel, and adding them to everything doesn't actually do anything new to the game, it is no different than raising everyones level. It is however good base material for a new class, with some strong mechanics that involve effective movement skills and the ability to move wile attacking, mounts could do alot for a new class, and any exsisting class which uses them as a secondary.
Issue is, they arn't neccessary for travel, and adding them to everything doesn't actually do anything new to the game, it is no different than raising everyones level. It is however good base material for a new class, with some strong mechanics that involve effective movement skills and the ability to move wile attacking, mounts could do alot for a new class, and any exsisting class which uses them as a secondary.
Mount... yes...
Making Ranger Pet Mountable.... NO
Making Ranger Pet Mountable.... NO