The instructions as what to do seem a little vague..I've put the first stone tablet on the pedastel, and then the other 2 tablets..killed some Sunspear ghost, so no bonus for me, but what next ?
I thought once I had the tablets finished with, that would be the end, but nothing happened..what am I missing ?
Question Instani Ruins mission
Dr Wu
One of the ghosts probably stole one of the tablets off of there. The moment you place them on the pedestals (or leave them alone for a while not sure) a Sunspear will attempt to take it and run away. If one is still alive, just kill it since you took down the other. Did it with heroes so it was annoying moving them around but, after I saw the ghost take it, I just brought one tablet over to the other, and moved them about ten feet at a time to make sure it was not simply dropping or leaving, then set one in front of the pedestal, put the other on, and then put the second on.
Was able to do it without killing a ghost, though that spear chucker (racists...) kept attacking it was very annoying. They need to change the description from harm to kill, I was pissed when she just threw a spear at it.
Was able to do it without killing a ghost, though that spear chucker (racists...) kept attacking it was very annoying. They need to change the description from harm to kill, I was pissed when she just threw a spear at it.
Dr Wu
..after a few attempts at placing the second tablets, and then the ghost running off with them, I put the tablets on the floor by the pedestal untill I had 2 there..then I just put them on...all 3 tablets are in place, but no mission I'm puzzeled
i'm at the part where a ghost name Kahdash holding a stone table and wont drop it....what do i do?
nvm ... after standing around for 5 mins now....the npc started to talk to eachother....bug?