Cross campaigns?
I have a couple of friends who have the original guild wars and wana stay there, but I want to get Factions and become and Assassin. If I get Factions and add it to my original game, will I be able to play the original campaign with my assassin?

Yes, you will me able to take any character from any campaign to any campaign that is linked to the account.
with an asassin can I start out in the orginal campaign?
no, you cannot make a sin and start in pre.
How hard is to move the assassin to the orinigal campaign
Not very .. start the assasin, complete the first 2 missions to get off the starter island and end up in the marketplace of the main island.
Head north to Kaineng center, talk to guardsmen chenpo i believe his name is, to take a boat to Lions Arch on Tyria.
If you move quickly, you could easily get there in a few hours.
Head north to Kaineng center, talk to guardsmen chenpo i believe his name is, to take a boat to Lions Arch on Tyria.
If you move quickly, you could easily get there in a few hours.
Keep in mind that there are no assassin skills available in Prophecies, so i think it is much better that you just finish Factions and then move over to Tyria...
Can't make an Assassin and start right in pre sear. You could however make an Assassin and go to Kaineng Center then get shipped over to Lion's Arch and get ran to Ascalon City or start the Prophecies campaign from Lion's Arch.