Insignia Tabs
I think the Rune Trader should have another tab exclusively for insignias. Especially right now when insignias are blazing back and forth it's arduous and annoying trying to get to the end of the list only to have it sold out already.
Could have tabs for different professions, like Balthy's priests in PvP. Either way, tabs sounds good.
Makes sense to me. The rune trader does have a ton of stuff to look at already.
Makes sense to me. The rune trader does have a ton of stuff to look at already.
Former Ruling
The rune trader list is getting alittle long...
Think about after this Nightfall release sweep, when he actually has stock of all the 45457658463 kinds of Insignas o_O
The rune trader list is getting alittle long...
Think about after this Nightfall release sweep, when he actually has stock of all the 45457658463 kinds of Insignas o_O
Tuoba Hturt Eht
/signed for having various tabs in the Rune Trader
Thumbs up for this excellent suggestion.
Thumbs up for this excellent suggestion.
(sorry for dredging this up)
I was hoping the insignia system would alleviate the need for multiple sets of armor, and it hasn't really done that. True it allows greater customization, but doesn't ease the storage situation any
(sorry for dredging this up)
I was hoping the insignia system would alleviate the need for multiple sets of armor, and it hasn't really done that. True it allows greater customization, but doesn't ease the storage situation any
I think we would all like tabs on pretty much every window. mkaes things easier.
I think we would all like tabs on pretty much every window. mkaes things easier.