Farming With A Paragon
you think the paragon is gonna be good for farming?
In short: No. You will probably end up using some secondary to farm, much like N/Mo use 55 monk core to farm.
thats about right unfortunately...
anet completely ruined the paragon (the ranger as well imo...enough of that) b/c of the dervish's awesome power.
anet completely ruined the paragon (the ranger as well imo...enough of that) b/c of the dervish's awesome power.
Paragon works great in team in pve, mediocre in pvp and terribly solo.
Rau the legendary
Paragons works great in both PvE and PvP, but yes.. when solo he sucks. And dervish aren't so strong either. In PvE you can better have a good warrior tank and in PvP a dervish must have many many enchants on to be strong.
Aggressive Refrain
Burning Finale
"Go for the Eyes!"
"They're on Fire!"
That'll allow you to increase your attack speed, cause 3 seconds of burning every time GftE! and ToF! end (which will be about every 3-4 seconds for GftE!), and decrease damage from those that are on fire by 40 something percent.
Of course, this is if they are adjacent to you.
Also, even by yourself, Leader's Comfort will give you 80 something healing every 10 seconds, if Leadership is at 12.
There could be some potential here.
Burning Finale
"Go for the Eyes!"
"They're on Fire!"
That'll allow you to increase your attack speed, cause 3 seconds of burning every time GftE! and ToF! end (which will be about every 3-4 seconds for GftE!), and decrease damage from those that are on fire by 40 something percent.
Of course, this is if they are adjacent to you.
Also, even by yourself, Leader's Comfort will give you 80 something healing every 10 seconds, if Leadership is at 12.
There could be some potential here.
except the whole fleeing creatures under 50% health thing really screws up dervish farming...during the beta i was doing whole quests with JUST my dervish, no heroes or henchies.
No more of that
No more of that
squanto indianchief
toaly agree that Paragon was ruined by anet. Paragon literally means leader (haha vocab pts for me) so ya it needs a group to survive. And also i think Dervish has gotta be the most powerful class in the game so far with the mystic tank build
Originally Posted by Rucksack
thats about right unfortunately...
anet completely ruined the paragon (the ranger as well imo...enough of that) b/c of the dervish's awesome power. They haven't ruined my Stoneflesh Barrage and R/D Evasion Stance Farm build yet =]
anet completely ruined the paragon (the ranger as well imo...enough of that) b/c of the dervish's awesome power. They haven't ruined my Stoneflesh Barrage and R/D Evasion Stance Farm build yet =]
Originally Posted by andrewf
They haven't ruined my Stoneflesh Barrage and R/D Evasion Stance Farm build yet =]
_O_ Way ago Andrew ;D
(if you wanna know, i'm the one from youtube...should say enough
(if you wanna know, i'm the one from youtube...should say enough