so is there yet another mini pet i got to try and find for my collection?
i know of the giant and varesh hell everyone is selling them. they'll be down to 15k in no time with how many there are.
i also heard that the naga mini was from a special event? is that true and is that event still going on? i love mini pets and i want to collect them all but some prices on them are outrageous. i still need the bone dragon i got the 2 new pets for pretty good deals. now to get 2 more.
rare purple mini pet? naga something?
minimoose fan
The Naga, Oni, and one other were from a Japanese promotion campaign.
Try to get a Kanaxai, last known price was 500 Ectos.
there were 3 damn why didn't we get the chance to get them? man that sucks i want them now...................
oh well thanks for the info
oh well thanks for the info
You can still get them if you go to an international district and trade with a japanese player.
What's this about a Kanaxai minipet? Didn't even know he existed...
Originally Posted by reniori
Try to get a Kanaxai, last known price was 500 Ectos.
The truth itself
Originally Posted by ShadowStorm
You can still get them if you go to an international district and trade with a japanese player.
What's this about a Kanaxai minipet? Didn't even know he existed... |
It which case we shall put in the category of a myth until its BUSTED...

The Kanaxai pet was given away to winners of the GW Japanese Tournament. Only the winning guild got one, so there are only 8 in existence. Hence the ultra-rare status
The kanaxai pet's are real. Infact, i'm pretty sure a japanese player sold his kanaxai, panda (or something) and one other minipet on high end forums here.
Yeah, he advertised all 3. 4.5 million each I think....