Salvaging Runes off Hero Armor.... Possible major bug.
I was going to try to salvage a run off dunkoro's armor, but it tells me I have a 50% chance of destroying it.... anyone have some insight on this? It would be a huge flaw if the salvage would destroy irrecoverable armor.
It never destroys the armor.
Before, if you expert salvaged runed armor, you would always destroy the armor but get the rune. Now,you have a 50% chance of getting the rune without destroying the armor.
It would be a pretty bad thing if you destroyed the armor and there's no way to replace it. I don't think there is, as they made the hero's armor so it would increase in AL as the hero gained levels.
It would be a pretty bad thing if you destroyed the armor and there's no way to replace it. I don't think there is, as they made the hero's armor so it would increase in AL as the hero gained levels.
Definately a bug that should be looked into and tested.
My suggestion, if you want to test this, go make a new character. Go get Koss. Add a major hammer rune or something cheap to him on all 5 of his armor pieces. Start salvaging. If it destroys his armor at anytime... very bad.
My suggestion, if you want to test this, go make a new character. Go get Koss. Add a major hammer rune or something cheap to him on all 5 of his armor pieces. Start salvaging. If it destroys his armor at anytime... very bad.
tested... salvaged and replaced 10 times... no armor was destroyed. =)
Good to hear.
Any word on what happens if you want to apply a different set of runes to your Hero?
Any word on what happens if you want to apply a different set of runes to your Hero?
it rewrites the rune like with any armor
aron searle
Yea the good thing about heros is you can just salvage and swap runes, rather than having to keep buying them, its usefull when you like to keep changing there build.
Manic Smile
yea I can confirm as's quite a nice feature when you are switching their builds around
It's also a good way to 'store' runes and insignias. I keep some spare superior vigors on heroes, saves me some backpack space. The few extra points of health don't hurt on them either.
Maria The Princess
shhhhhhh the devs might read this!
we dont want this to ever get fixed...err i mean changed
we dont want this to ever get fixed...err i mean changed
Tiny Biscuit
No bug, hero's armor CAN'T be destroyed.
Sorry for my weird english, I'm french.
Sorry for my weird english, I'm french.
Shanaeri Rynale
You can destroy the rune tho. Or at least used to unless it was fixed in a recent update.
Manic Smile
never had that happen...and I've switched everyone of my Heros at least once