12 enchants :)
Hehe thought it was pretty cool - lol was messing around and thought id see how many enchants i can maintain using balth spirit, essence bond and a zealous string w/ barrage and plenty enemies and also some1 else to cast the enchants twice , managed to maintain it for a min before i ran out of enemys - even found out that theres a max of 12 enchants , lol anyway enjoy the pics
woah 0_o didnt know there was a max. nice.
EDIT: prolly coulda kept it up longer with a bip necro or something.
EDIT: prolly coulda kept it up longer with a bip necro or something.
I've had that many enchants up while bonding in pvp before - it's good fun having max energy degen ^_^. Impressive
Before they changed it I was able to maintain 14-15 enchants if i had my timing down right. Not easy task to hold much over 10 now. Good job, and a different style to pull them off too. I was testing with guildies on the Isle of the Nameless.