New Rune Of Attunement



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006


Unlikely Hero


I don't quite understand how the new runes work and the difference between stacking and non stacking.

I have full Gladiators Armour with each piece having a rune currently attached.

Minor Axe Mastery,Superior Absorbtion, Minor Tactics, Major Vigour and Minor Strength.
When i try to attach a rune of Attunement,to boost my energy, i get this message " would you like to perform this upgrade"

Now does that only mean that it is adding it to that armour and leaving existing runes OR is it overwriting existing rune?

Now if it is merely adding to it, then i should be able to get 5 runes of Attunement and increase my energy from 27 to 37.....seems a bit too easy to me?

This is for a proph pve Wammo

Thanks in advance


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

It will overwrite the rune you currently have.

1. Runes will stack on top of inherent armor mods. (axe mastery runes stack on top of executioner's helms, for example)

2. Runes will not stack on top of other runes. It means that if you put a Major Vigor on one piece and a Superior vigor on another, you will only get the benefit of the Superior Vigor. Putting 5 runes of attunement will only give you the +2 to energy, not +10. But, it will stack on top of weapons, off-hand, and armor energy buffs.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Guards Of The Citadel [GotC]


Wrong! The Runes of Attunement and Vitae DO stack onto each other so if you put 1 Attunement on each piece of armor it would be +10 energy.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


Let me Clarify:

Runes of the same name do not stack. Vigor runes do not stack on each other and Vitae runes do not stack on each other, however a Vigor rune and a Vitae rune WILL stack.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006


Unlikely Hero


Originally Posted by eloc_jcg
Wrong! The Runes of Attunement and Vitae DO stack onto each other so if you put 1 Attunement on each piece of armor it would be +10 energy.
Unfortunately it's not like that with the Vitae rune, as i learned the hard the way.
I put one on my hauberk which had a major absorbtion on it and it overwrote the absorbtion.
It went from being a Hauberk of Major Abosrbtion, to a Hauberk of Minor Vitae.

It appears, from Kook~NBK's answer that these new runes will only stack, in the case of a Warrior, onto the wepons rune, thus only the Axe Mastery?

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Terra Xin
Let me Clarify:

Runes of the same name do not stack. Vigor runes do not stack on each other and Vitae runes do not stack on each other, however a Vigor rune and a Vitae rune WILL stack.
Let my Clarify your Clarification - You are WRONG.

Wearing two Vitae runes WILL result in +20 health. Wearing five is +50..etc

Only runes with "Non-stacking" in the desp work like you've said (Like Vigors).

The new runes like Vitae and Attunement stack on each other. 5 Attunements are +10 energy for example.

Even the new condition duration runes stack on each other. One gives 20% faster, two gives ~40% faster, so on. (Note that 5 does not give 100% faster, or instant, like you'd assume, it is actually only like ~90% faster - this is I guess so you cant be basically immune to the condition)

To the OP: Putting a new rune on your armor will replace the old rune, Like putting an attunement rune on the peice of armor your Vigor is on..will remoe the vigor.

EDIT: I get your problem now, You think "Stack" means you can put it on armor that already has a rune on it. That isnt at all what "Stacking" and "Non-stacking" mean. "Stacking" means that if you wear 2 of the same runes they will both go into effect, Non-stacking means they will not. Like putting minor vigor on your head AND chest will not result in +60 health, since only 1 of the runes go into effect. While putting a Vitae on your head AND chest WILL result in a "Stacked" effect of +20 health.

Each peice of armor can only have 1 rune on it though. So you have to pick the ones you want wisely.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006


Unlikely Hero


Thank you Former Ruling, that explains it for me.

I thought it seemed waaay too easy to get an extra 10 energy.