Originally Posted by Faer
Maybe you haven't noticed, but ArenaNet has given us hotkey customization for this sort of thing. Set your skill to a new hotkey that is better for you.
Whichever key you put if you're gonna hit it over and over again it'll have the same effect
All you guys are arguing that I should not be a wuss, or how you should take the pain. etc. I don't really see this as valid arguments... its like you're being masochists or something.
@using a macro: Sure, it won't be too hard to program a macro for this, but that would give me an unfair disadvantage over other players, considering how many people would be unaware etc.
What im just asking for is a simple code to replace the normal attack with barrage when you right click the skill, as seen in games like WC3. It doesn't exactly play the game for you, nor does it make ranger any more powerful.
Alternatively if i could bind scrolldown to activate barrage that'll make things alot easier too