cap sig on Heroes?
Has anyone tried using a signet of capture on a Hero? Does it unlock the elite for your account and count toward skill hunter? It would be nice to be able to cap the elites in an area without having to change professions and respoawn all the time but I'm not sure if that is how it works now.
edit: oops sorry this should have been in the Nightfall forum.
edit: oops sorry this should have been in the Nightfall forum.
Do they get cap sigs?
As far as I can tell you can't put signet of capture on a hero...
Riken Chrono
i thought they could use any skill you had? So if you bought a cap sig you could equip it on your hero.. just what i thought, dont take my word though
I dont know if you can a hero can use a capture signet (maybe via that small menu)... but you can equip your hero's with every skill you have unlocked on your account. So if you really want a hero to use a certain skill, go get it yourself (change 2nd profession) and then give it to your hero... my 0.02€
Kelsey Cain
No - signets of capture do not show up in their list of available skills
Thanks for the info. I remember they said heroes couldn't use them for the preview so I wasn't sure if it had changed.
Signets of Capture are not "unlocked" on your account, so they're not on the list of Hero skills. They have their own "skill trainer" that requires you grinding sunspear points. >.>
I guess we'll just have to keep switching secondaries on our characters to get the elites unlocked for them.
Originally Posted by Kook~NBK~
I guess we'll just have to keep switching secondaries on our characters to get the elites unlocked for them.
El Shaada
Well you do have to be in an outpost to change your secondary but I know what you mean.
Even if a Hero could carry and then use a Signet of Capture, how would you pick which skill to capture? Hehe, another problem that... doesn't really... matter.
I was actually thinking about this when NF was released... a pity it doesn't work but I guess it's probably for the best.
Even if a Hero could carry and then use a Signet of Capture, how would you pick which skill to capture? Hehe, another problem that... doesn't really... matter.
I was actually thinking about this when NF was released... a pity it doesn't work but I guess it's probably for the best.