I have 2 accounts,on the 2nd accound i had a char with a specific nickname which i wanted to use on my 1st account so I deleted the char on the 2nd account...
Now when i want to make that nickname on the 1st account it says it is still in use on the the 2nd account....how is this possible if i deleted him 3 days ago...?
Any has solution or advice?
Account character name changes...
When you delete a character, there is a 1 hour (or so) "reserve time" for the name. During that time, the name can only be used on that account. After that time, it is open to be used by anyone. Unfortunately, it sounds like it was taken by someone else.

no it isnt coz when i try to add that name to my friend list it says it is still on teh 2nd account
any1 else got some advice?
how did you find out "it is still in use on the the 2nd account" and not being used by someone else? maybe the name was taken and used by someone not very frequently logged on?
i told u..i add it on my friends list and it says that it still on the 2nd account
You cannot add xxx to your friend list coz you have him on ur list by the name of yyy
You cannot add xxx to your friend list coz you have him on ur list by the name of yyy
bad person
Remove the name from your friends list and try and add it again. Maybe the link is still there between one character name and the other with your second account.
this is just a guess, but was the charater with the name you want your first character on that account?
I think that GW permanently connects your account with the first name that you use on that account(mine still shows the name of my first character when I mouse over my name in the guild menu even though I deleted that character after only playing him for a few hours)
Sorry, but you might be stuck with it on that account. They are probably using it as your primary key in their database
I think that GW permanently connects your account with the first name that you use on that account(mine still shows the name of my first character when I mouse over my name in the guild menu even though I deleted that character after only playing him for a few hours)
Sorry, but you might be stuck with it on that account. They are probably using it as your primary key in their database

nah..i got an idea yesterday...and it worked
i filled up all char spaces on 2nd account with random names just to fill up the slots...that deleted the name coz i it migh have been reserved for 1 slot,since they all were full..the name was free again for me to use on 1st account

i filled up all char spaces on 2nd account with random names just to fill up the slots...that deleted the name coz i it migh have been reserved for 1 slot,since they all were full..the name was free again for me to use on 1st account

Da Scotty
lol i have had this same problem for a month now... ty for advice will try it!