First timer


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006


Im thinking about buying one of the GW games and im a bit confused on which would be to get for my first game. As far i know there is the original GW, GW factions and GW nightfall... I wish to know which would be best for a first timer and why

THanks worrok

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

Either get the first one (Prophecies) or the third (NightFall). Factions was fairly dissapointing overall, but mostly it is EXTREMELY hard for a first-timer, compared to the others.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Canyon, Texas

United Jedi


I agree get proph or nightfall.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


Heavenly Shadows [milf]


Chapter 1 Prophecies. Core skills and professions, excellent learning curve for the game mechanics. Large map.
Chapter 3 Nightfall. Not as large as Chapter 1, nice flow to the game. More people will be here for it's the newest realease. Medium Map
Chapter 2 Factions - Strong PvP (Player vs Player) Fast paced, and very linear. Not recomended for a new comer to play unless their only goal/play style will be PvP. Small to medium map.
I would say Prophecies first. It's where I learned the game, and was very impressed with it. There are core skills that you can only get within and skills won't cost you for the most part. But with the Nightfall being released you may choose this as a starting game with the intent to get Prophecies at a later date. The downside to this is that Nightfall is a new release and there are some bugs that still need worked out.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Norway, Oslo

Glob of Ectospasm

get night fall, prophecies is full of ghost towns atm



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

| | R E A P E R S | |


gt nightfall for the above reason + all the new improvements...
second i wud choose prophecies since its still awesome (n the best).
dont get factions unless you have a lil extra money or are a big pvp fan.




Join Date: May 2005


For a newcommer I'd suggest getting Nightfall myself. There are some great things in nightfall that aren't in Prophecies, and the actual introduction into how to play and such is vastly superior IMO in Nightfall than in Prophecies.

- Much better introduction into how to move around, fight, use skills, etc
- Much more populated right now as it's new and people are doing it.
- Hero's! If you struggle with PUGS (Pick Up Groups), hero's are a good substitute.. and you can't get these in Prophecies
- Nightfall henchies >>>> Prophecy henchies (from what I've seen)
- Decent sized map
- the learning curve is better in Nightfall IMO, getting quest's to show you how to get storage, how to use collector's, etc rocks!
- The much easier and better 15 & 15 attribute quest's in Nightfall. Faction's wasn't that bad.. and Prophecies you had to finish what.. 1/2-2/3? of the game before you got even the 1st 15 attribute quest.. (and that's if you could even get em.. people complained for ages that they never got offered the 2nd quest .. or couldn't hand it it to get their last 15 points).

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005
