A group of young nomads traveled around the whole continent of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona in search of old books; For knowledge. These nomads decided to travel to a tomb, not explored in decades, hoping to find something truly special. Once at the tomb, they entered the last chamber,and found a skeleton, resembling a human. In one hand he had a quill to write with, and in the other a rusty looking book. With great suspicion, the nomads imidiatly ran to the book and scimmed through it. Already in the opening sentence it wrote "I am alone in this tomb, and I don't know my way out. My bones are old and weak, but I still have something to show the whole world. I hope someone finds this book, as I have discovered the art of symbolism. I have looked at many great pyramids, tombs, and caves in search for these rare symbols which are created by god himself. I have learned that writing these symbols on the ground shows favor to these unknown gods, and can rise to your needs. In this book you shall find all the symbols that I have learned through out my life, for I believe that this could be a great tool of ridding off anything that harms my beloved land". These nomads were shocked, and finally knew that the time of being a nomad has come to an end.
The Symbolist is a caster class, that can inscribe special symbols on the ground to awaken oddwordly powers, and a few elite creatures. They have learned how to use magic in a hand to hand form and therefore don't believe in weaponry. Plus, because of the many books they have read, they also are knowledgable in alchemy and preaching.
-Main Weapon-
-Symbolic Runes-they are runes which instead of applying them on your armor you simply put it in you weapon slot. In combat, you can see your hand glowing (because of the rune). Merchants Symbolic Runes will have only a soft low glow, gold will be more flashier (maybe add some "fire" looking glow) etc...When you are fighting an enemy in hand to hand, everytime you hit, you can see a short pulse of explosion due to the rune.
-Skills- (Note:The skills listed here pose only a vision of the attribute, if you are interested in looking at more skills, then view my edits at the end of the page)
-Rune Traps-You have X seconds to lay as many runes on the ground as you can. When time duration ends you do X dmg. Clicking on the same spell will activate it before time duration ends but it does only 3/4 dmg.
-Arcane Uppercut-A rising punch aiming towards head area, blinding the foe for X seconds and doing X dmg.
-Blinding Magic-A palm strike to the head area causing X dmg, foe must be blinded.
-Rune Blast-Red energy fills the hand, and unleashes it up to three opponents for X dmg each
-Arcane Axe Kick- A up-to-down motion with the leg doing X dmg and knocking target down.
-Rune Stomp-Using the energy of your rune, you concentrate it on your foot, and stomp on a knockdown enemy (when you stomp on the enemy you see a short flaming explosion) for X dmg.
-Sprinting Rune Kick-You sprint towards a running opponents and do a side kick, which makes a knockdown.
-Elite-Torpedo-A stomp to the ground which lengthens knockdown time and does X dmg. Foe must be knockedown (earthshaker and Stomping Torpedo would be an excellent combo)
-Arcane Back Jab- A quick jab doing X damage. Must hit from the back.
Symbolics You must know that these spells are very powefull, and require a lot of energy. That's why these attacks can be seen as you specials.
-Tomb Stone-Create X tomb stones from the number of adjacent killed enemies. Tomb stones will appear in a small window, you will still carry them even once your in town. They will not take inventory space. When a attack requires you to place tomb stones, you must click on the number of tomb stones you want and drop them one at a time in the circle. Now the reason why I did that is to make it serve as a short period of waiting time until you can do your summon. (These stones will look like they are hovering in an energy ball cast by the one picking it up). Dropping tomb stones is INSTANT. (EDIT) I would also want them to drop all of their tombstones and enable them to party members so they can pick them up too.
-Elite-Summon of Sepheroth-You incribe a circle with the symbol of Sepheroth, you must place X amount of tomb stones in the circle to call upon the creature. Once the creatures has awakened, it acts as a pet for X seconds. The creature does X dmg to adjacent opponents and sets them of fire for X dmg.
-Water Ritual-You may incribe four circles and place them were ever you want, each circle you must place X number of tomb stones, once complete, each circle will give of water blasts slowing and doing X dmg to adjacent foes around it.
-Word Of Fire-You inscribe one circle, which requires X number of Tomb stones. However, each tomb stone requires some time to lay (which means its not instant like the other ones). Once you lay them, your whole body is engulfed with flaming energy, and everytime you click on an enemy you set of a fire blast for X dmg, you can only do this three times.
-Team Ritual-You inscribe a giant sqaure, with each corner having a small platform. You lay four tomb stones infront of you, and each player must pick it up and set it to the platform (this spell requires four people, you'll be able to let henches help you as well). Four players must lay one tomb stone on each, once this has been done, A giant blue aura apears-all adjacent enemies, (the radius is large) your enemies are stunned for X seconds taking X dmg for the duration of being stunned. And you gain X health. Lasts for X seconds (note:as this is a very powerful spell, it will require almost all of your energy, and other players as well.)
-Natures Bidding-You inscribe a circle which requires X tomb stones. Lasts for X seconds (acts almost like a trap, except its not a one time spell). Evertime enemy steps on it the enemy is stunned.
(If you make potions they will be in your inventory and can be put as one of your weapons choice. Each time you switch from runes to potions, you hold that item. (when switching to potions you will see another window like that for tombstones so you can select whch one you want) When you drop it you are healed (like the Ritualist). You may give other party members potions in-combat, (so if you imagine it in real life, you are sort of tossing the potion to the ally and it automatically goes into his weapon slot) If their weapon slots are full then they go in their inventory, if that is full as well ally cannot recieve the potion. Another thing is that potions have a cooldown of 30 seconds or more. (other players will have a longer cooldown). Making potions requires only 1 ingredient dropped by any monsters. Some potions will require 2 or even 3 ingredients. You can make these potions in combat and in towns/outposts etc. These potions do require your inventory spaces, but the # of inventory spaces it takes depends on your potions. Example;Let's say you have 1 healing potion, which requires 1 inventory space. Then you make 6 more healing potions, they will add up to the 1 which =7. However, all 7 requires only 1 inventory space as it is the same potions. If you were to make 6 elixir potions then they will require another inventory space. Elite potions can only be given to the caster and not the team mates. (will not require ANY skill slots)
-Healing Potion-You create X number of healing potions. Req-1 ingrediant
-Strength Potion-You create X number of strength potions which makes you have +X health regeneration. Req-1 ingredient
-Elixir Potion-You create X number of Elixir Potions, which can take away one poison or health. Req-1 ingredient
-Energy Potion-You create X number of Energy Potions, which adds X energy to you.
req-2 ingredients
"Fast As The Wind!"-You move with X speed
"I shall not give up!"-Your cooldowns are reduced for X seconds
"Too Fast For You!"-Your melee attacks move X% quicker
"I shall Not Faulter!"-You armor glows with energy and block X attacks and magic as well
"All At Once!"-
Does spinning movements, attacking adjacent foes
"You're not worthy!"-
Makes your enemy flee for a short time (includes in pvp)
Write some FEEDBACK to my idea...thank you

EDITS!!!!! (here is a list of new skills)
Team Shielding (Symbolic)-You inscribe a large sqaure. Each corner having a small platform. You drop 4 tombstones infront of you and each party member/hench must pick it up and bring it to the platform. (This must be done quickly as the enemy can destroy the stones which have X health) Once complete, a each party member is shielded for X seconds, and you deal extra water DMG as long as you have the shield. Circle lasts for X seconds, but the X is longer then the duration of the shield. Returning to the circle will recharge the shield temporarly.
Blazing Torpedo (Symbolic)-You inscribe a circle. A giant wave of water unleashes striking for X seconds, and anyone near it is automatically knocked down and recieves X dmg. After the seconds duration is over. Everytime someone is adjacent to the circle is slowed. Lasts for X seconds.
Blazing Light Ritual (Symbolic)-You inscribe a circle. Target enemy is Dmg for X and is blinded for X seconds. (No tombstones required)
Statue's Of Death (Symbolic)-You may inscribe three circles and place them where ever you want. (Must be within double earshot range) You must place X Tombstones in each circle (you must place the required tombstone in ALL of the circles). Once complete, one circle sends a red line to the closest circle and that circle completes the line to the other circle. All enemies standing in the form (if they cross the boundry the enemies will not be harmed) become weakened, X degeneration, and are slowed Dramatically.
Healing Fountain Ritual" (Symbolic)-You Inscribe a triangle with the symbol of a Fountain. You must drop X TombStones in the circle. Once complete a fountain with water inside arrises. Players must go to the fountain and click on it. You recieve X health. When enemies near the fountain they recieve +X health degeneration. But they can destroy the fountain which has X health.
Cleansing Ritual (Symbolic)-You inscribe a triangle. All enemy enchants in earshot range are disabled for X seconds. Enemies can destroy this symbol but the attacker looses 1 enchantment.
Lightning Ritual (Symbolic)-5 second cast spell. You inscribe a circle, with the symbol of lightning. When done, lightning bolts from the air hit your three chosen targets for X dmg, and your symbol causes more lightning dmg for X seconds to all adjacent foes around it. (No Tombstones required for this cast)
New Alchemy Potion(Alchemy)-Elite-"Potion Of Poisions"-for X seconds red aura succumbs you, and any enemy near you is damaged. And is poisiond for X dmg for X seconds. When potion ends, all enemies that are poisoned become stuned for X seconds.
"Obedient Inscribtion"(Symbolic)-You inscribe a circle, and requires X tombstones. Everytime enemy is knocked down, the circle reacts by glowing and sends out a lightning shock.
"Party Potions"(Alchemy)-You make 6 healing potion infront of you, anyone except the enemy can pick it up. You are healed for X health
"Arcane Kick"(Arcane)-You perform two double kicks (a few cm off the ground) each kick causes X arcane dmg. Target enemy has X% chance of knockdown.
"I'll Finish you!"(Preach) All your physical attacks become non-instant attacks. Instead you have to wait for each strike, but there is a X% chance you will fail that strike. If your lucky and succeed you do 2X dmg.
"Come To My Aid!"(Preach) for 10 seconds X water minions come to your aid. Attacking the enemy for X, and slowing their movements.
"Summon Of Norma"(Preach) [Elite]-you inscribe a large circle (6 second cast) and you must lay X tomb stones and drop it in the circle. When done, Norma awakens (it's a water creature) and acts as your pet for X seconds. Norma summons the power of water from the air and hitting adjacent enemies for X dmg.
Flamable Tonic(alchemy) energy 5 activation 2 rechage 4
Trow a flask at target foe, for 6 seconds target foe is covered in a flamable liquid, the next time that that foe takes fire damge that foe is set on fire for 3...5...6 seconds. Req-2 ingredients
energy 5 activation 4 recharge 8
Throw a flask of a reacitive substance at target foe, for 4...8...10 seconds that foe is covered in alpha and deals 1...3...5 less damge with physical attacks. Req-2 ingredients
energy 5 activation 4 recharge 8
Throw a flask of extremely reacitve substance at target foe, if that foe is covered with alpha that foe takes 20...40...50 cold damage and 20...40...50 fire damage. Otherwise foe is covered in omega for 5 seconds and whenever that foe is struck in melee that foe and the attacker both take 5...7...8 shock damige. Req-3 ingredients
Lead to Gold(Elite alchemy)enchantment
energy 10 activation 3 recharge 30
For 10...20...25 seconds your symbolics and preaching atributes are increased by 2 and you move 10...15...20% faster. Req-4 ingredients
"Dwayna stand by us!"(preaching)shout; energy 10 activation - recharge 15
Direct healing effectiveness on allies within ear shot increses by 5...10...12%
"Garth take us all!"(preaching)shout; energy 15 activation - recharge 10
All creatures within ear shot under 10% health, become hexed with grasp of garth for 4 seconds, if they die spells cast on their corpses take 10...30...40% longer to cast.
"Dwayna embraces us!"(preaching)shout; energy 15 activation - recharge 20
All allies within earshot become enchanted with embrace of Dwayna for 3...6...8 seconds, if 1 or more enchantments where to be removed from those allies dwayna's embrace ends and no enchantments are removed.
ARMOR-Even though I am not going into full details about the vararities of different armor, I searched around and tried to see what would best resemble my idea.
Helmets= http://images.google.com/images?hl=e...=Search+Images
and they will also have long symbolic looking earings. somewhat like this
Gauntlets=I don't rly have a image for that yet but, they are simply white wrappings around your hand. And the naked area of your arm is covered with golden chains looking like that=
Body Armor=
Leg Armor=
Foot Armor=
NOTE:this armor idea is not final and changes may/may not be made.

Other Edits....
1) Changed the attribute Physical to Arcane;Reason-Physical would make the class sound like its a "pure" melee attribute, which in some cases it's not.
2) Tombstones do not require inventory space;Reason-It would take up too many spaces, and will be thought of as an inconvinience. Especially the fact that Potions take up spaces.
3) Inscriptions of Symbols work like an instant;Reason-If a vote reaches more than 1 too change something, then I change it. And dropping tombstones are also instant (but you still have to click on the number you want.