Healbot Blues: Updates & Talkback!
Originally Posted by labsenpai
After a great amount of procrastination: HEALBOT in PVP SPECIAL now uploaded!!!
Guest Starring some characters Tometheus, winnar of the button contest, has on his PC. Too bad they will now be forever known as the PvPers that let poor Healbot die a n00bs death...
http://www.crithitcomics.com Ouch! I'm mean!
I love the expression on Promethea's face at the end. I wish there was an /archeyebrow emote
On another note, I wore one of my healbot buttons to work yesterday and someone on the bus home recognized it. We're going to try to get together in-game this weekend
Guest Starring some characters Tometheus, winnar of the button contest, has on his PC. Too bad they will now be forever known as the PvPers that let poor Healbot die a n00bs death...

http://www.crithitcomics.com Ouch! I'm mean!

I love the expression on Promethea's face at the end. I wish there was an /archeyebrow emote

On another note, I wore one of my healbot buttons to work yesterday and someone on the bus home recognized it. We're going to try to get together in-game this weekend

Which button was the attention getter?

Originally Posted by labsenpai
Which button was the attention getter?
Well, there's one guy at the lab who always procrastinates until a paper is due before he looks at any work I do for him. So, around this time, he's saying "We need to collect more data with these parameters. We need to process all of the old data using this technique I read about last month. Also, we need to write code to do this new amazing thing I just thought of. Oh, and I need it all for this paper that's due next Wed." (And of course, by "we", he means "you".)
It always reminds me of a Wammo aggroing 50 mobs at once, so I wore the "Stop Aggro" button that day.

It always reminds me of a Wammo aggroing 50 mobs at once, so I wore the "Stop Aggro" button that day.
Love the latest one. Healbot gets to be a smite monk. Go Healbot!
Jeff Highwind
Yea I've seen that mini somwhere before. If Healbot wants fame she needs to get Signet of Mystic Wrath. >_>;
Healbot likes to spam her "awesome" comics. Other rarities like the "monk strike" art will be filed away on the homepage soon.
Sig-o-MW? Seems rather cumbersome for a lone monk, with its long cast/recharge and dependence on enchants. Healbot is a frontline smiter...jabbing with the Holy Strike, ya know. She found a gold smiting Plagueborn Sceptre the other day, must be a portent for the age of SMITEBOT!
Sig-o-MW? Seems rather cumbersome for a lone monk, with its long cast/recharge and dependence on enchants. Healbot is a frontline smiter...jabbing with the Holy Strike, ya know. She found a gold smiting Plagueborn Sceptre the other day, must be a portent for the age of SMITEBOT!
I've been wanting to put an ad for healbot on my myspace but I am horrid with html. Is there a way to change the banner at the bottom into a myspace item?
Ulivious The Reaper
Episode VI of the Elonian Heroes Saga has been uploaded! Please visit and enjoy.
Sadly, I'm bringing an end to the weekly updating. I can't ignore how clunky the rest of my site has become, and the projects I have yet to host online. My work as an illustrator must expand beyond game satire...
Ergo, the Mini-strip I complete this week will be the last addition for an indefinite time period.
Sadly, I'm bringing an end to the weekly updating. I can't ignore how clunky the rest of my site has become, and the projects I have yet to host online. My work as an illustrator must expand beyond game satire...

Ergo, the Mini-strip I complete this week will be the last addition for an indefinite time period.
Originally Posted by labsenpai
Ergo, the Mini-strip I complete this week will be the last addition for an indefinite time period.
Words can't describe...
Thank you for your comics!

Thank you for your comics!
Sophitia Leafblade
Your great works will be greatly missed 
Good luck with your other projects

Good luck with your other projects

Great comic, sad about no more weekly updates..
Btw, Unlucky Slayer = Victorious!
Btw, Unlucky Slayer = Victorious!
Unlucky Slayer
Lies! Lies and slander!
Of course very nice as always. Too bad about the single panels though.
Of course very nice as always. Too bad about the single panels though.

Jeff Highwind
I am confused, did Slayer finally get a cameo?
Unlucky Slayer
I'm not really sure...
Last PCs in the comic belonged to Tometheus.
Last regular update is now up on the site.
Unlike Healbot, I don't get to nap...gotta make more content pages and try to learn about the latest in webpage snazzitude.
Last regular update is now up on the site.
Unlike Healbot, I don't get to nap...gotta make more content pages and try to learn about the latest in webpage snazzitude.
Giga Strike
lol! T-chan's been farming ettins too much.
and no, slayer didnt get a cameo.

and no, slayer didnt get a cameo.
Hahaha, Razah. Your comic will be missed, but I'm sure the updates will be for the better. Good luck!
Edit: Think about getting a feed, so that Google Reader can let me know when you update. That will make lots of people happy.
Edit: Think about getting a feed, so that Google Reader can let me know when you update. That will make lots of people happy.

Ulivious The Reaper
Healbot is so cute

Jeff Highwind
Haha yea we need an Inn for all the people looking for girlfriend.
Giga Strike
we do. it's called pre-searing ascalon.

While you are no longer going to put up your work on a weekly basis, I hope you will continue to share with us all the tidbits that arise.
In my experience with cartoonists (have known several over the years), they find it impossible not to create as everything that they feel, or have an opinion on, is expressed in their work.
In my experience with cartoonists (have known several over the years), they find it impossible not to create as everything that they feel, or have an opinion on, is expressed in their work.
Speaking of tidbits...
I added the old "Monk Strike" picture, Button Contest art, and visitor milestone drawings to the site.
Incorporation of a blog homepage is nearing completion! Good thing, because Healbot is going to get her hands on a PCGAMER zine eventually, and learn about the return of a certain evil Tyrian...
I added the old "Monk Strike" picture, Button Contest art, and visitor milestone drawings to the site.
Incorporation of a blog homepage is nearing completion! Good thing, because Healbot is going to get her hands on a PCGAMER zine eventually, and learn about the return of a certain evil Tyrian...

Giga Strike
Thank dwayna! I thought you were giving up on us! Nolani academy has been boring without the regular updates.
Originally Posted by labsenpai
Speaking of tidbits...
Awwwww.. I saw a notification of changes to the thread and thought to myself "Cool, an April Fool's response with a gender-switched Healbot!"
Good news on the progress front.
(Even if my name is now no longer on the Healbot page *sniff* I've had my 15 days of 'fame'.

Good news on the progress front.

That's what I needed for my pc the last three weeks - a Bane Sig. Had to replace my power supply and buy a PCI video card.
Great news on the hit milestones.
Great news on the hit milestones.
Labsenpai, I will be your fan forever if you make a comic with my char, Soy Oil, and Razah pointing and laughing at Olias and MoW, who are holding a dead Soul Reaping icon (make one up) or minion. Or something like a "Full Energy vs No Energy" thing. Yes, the Soy Oil who wrote the Minion Bomber guide in the Rit forum. Extras like how Boon of Creation > Soul Reaping or whatever are at your discretion.
GW2 is very far away...On my blog I mentioned that Healbot will once again be the "star" for EotN. All future news will be posted on my homepage.
Please consider this thread defunct.
Please consider this thread defunct.