No new skills on secondary change?

Kidney Licker

Kidney Licker

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Europe Server

I've changed my secondary to Paragon and Dervish and notice that I haven't picked up any new skills for those professions.

Is there any way to acquire some free? Or are we paying for even the first one?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


can you go back to the training area (churrhir fields or something like that) where all the trainers are who give out beginner skills?


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

yeah kinda goes along with an earlier query of mine -
so do you have at least all those secondaries in tow from those 'experts' you passed earlier or not (in my case, I wasnt able to speak to them all, cashing in too early I guess )

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


That's part of the problem of not being able to choose your desired secondary right off the bat, which I mentioned in another thread related to this. You to pick a Factions secondary, you have to complete Isani (about 20% of the game?) with a core secondary in which you get a good number of skills from the trainers, but when you switch, you get bare minimum skills and have to waste gold and SP to buy the rest. At this point in time, merged accounts should be able to pick their desired secondary regardless of which campaign that profession is tied to - there wouldn't be any problems storyline way, as it would be logical with trade ships, etc. etc. and the trainers can be coded to only allow skills to be given to merged accounts (much like the campaign hopping quests are only active for merged accounts with the proper chapters).

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace