marga coast lag?
About 10 minutes ago I started getting wicked lag. I can't play because of it now. My screen just freezes up everytime I move.
I got horrendous lag the one time I cleared that fort in the middle. But elsewhere in that zone is ok
Yea, its pretty bad. I can't continue my quest until it stops.
Yes, I had very bad lag from the time I entered it, to the time I left it. Rubber banding effect and jumping.
Yes, I thought about starting to farm greens there after having completed the game, but the lag here is horrible

AW Lore
marga coast and lathenda bog are suffering from the same fate.

Yeah, when I went through Marga Coast, I thought it was just me, but then I zoned and there was very little lag.. and then I went back to Marga Coast and the lag was so bad..
I thought it was just me getting this lag. Yeah everytime i start running in Marga about 5 seconds later my character comes to a complete stop.... just to find out i rubberband straight into the enemies.
Yes, it made green farming quite a difficult task. However, I was able to secure Lunto's Pincers despite those circumstances. I just seem to get slung into random enemy masses as such.
yea, not sure when this thread started, but i think after the update sunday night it was fixed.
It was bad Sunday afternoon (Canada) for me then Sunday night it was better again. Grabbed Chor's Axe while I was there!