Hero Template Problem



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I can't find anything on it, even with searching.

I made templates for all my characters so my heros could use them. The problem is, some of the templates don't load on the heros. It just shows the skills for a split second, and then suddenly, all the skills disapear and the hero has no skills equiped.

Anyone know why it happens or how to fix it?


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


That happens to me when I try to load a template with skills that my acct hasn't unlocked yet. Do you have multiple accts?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by zelira
That happens to me when I try to load a template with skills that my acct hasn't unlocked yet. Do you have multiple accts?
No, I only have 1 account, and I can get the templates to load with my normal characters, just not my heros.

Wait, how do u put skills in a template if you don't have them unlocked? Don't you need them unlocked in order to be able to put them in a template?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by gamecube187
(...)Don't you need them unlocked in order to be able to put them in a template?
Yes, but you can put other peoples templates there also (its just a textfile with some symbols, for example this is my early dervish character with koss:



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Jelloblimp
Yes, but you can put other peoples templates there also (its just a textfile with some symbols, for example this is my early dervish character with koss:
Oh ya, I forgot about the being able to give other accounts your templates thing.

Oh, and I just relized that all my templates that didn't work have cap sigs in them, so I guess heros can't use cap sigs or something. I took the cap sigs out of some of them, and now those work.

So anyone know why can't heros cap skills for you? I know my assassin doesn't have any room in his skill bar, and it would be nice if I could give one of my heros a assassin secondary and have the hero cap my assassin skills...

Hopefully a bug that is going to be fixed, or at least something on Arena Nets to do list.