Lightbringer Points....
Vance Reaver
I was just wondering where i can farm these to get the titles/special skills
never heard of these, NF related?
Vance Reaver
yes they are for a title in NF
You have to get a blessing first, then you kill elementals that are located in the explorable area's on the mainland. They're not very common, and it takes a bit of practice to see where to get the blessing and the locations of the elementals themselves. They're in Arkjok Ward and the adjoining areas, that I've found so far.
Bithor the Dog
I found this one. probably found it on a forum somewhere , but its a quick run and about 20 30 LB points a go if you REALLY want to grind it out...I used it just to get to adept, I dunno about going up to brave at 1000 LB points that could turn out quite tedious!!

There's a newer Lightbringer discussion thread here. Closed.