Err=007 whenever I try to load Resplendant Makuun
Turbo Wombat
Is anyone else having this problem? I've tried the potal about five or so times now and I allways get dc'd when trying to load this instance. Kind of annoying, but it's only been happening since this most recent update. Other portals seem to work fine, but I suspect that there are some other broke ones slinking about.
Pyramus Loral
I've been gettind dead spots, including mid missioin, whre EVERY time I walk through a cirtan area (not an instace change just a point on the map.) I lock up and DC. I don't get it but I am at a total standstill because one such point is in a mission.
I seem to crash 50% of the time when I try to load Wehhan Terraces and almost everytime when I try to zone to Yatendi Canyons.
Im also at a standstill atm with nothing 2do.. :\
Im also at a standstill atm with nothing 2do.. :\
I posted this in another thread, but every time I portal at all, 007. I finally left the main town and it played great. Then I went to the Sunspear Temple and now I can't leave.
I posted this in another thread, but every time I portal at all, 007. I finally left the main town and it played great. Then I went to the Sunspear Temple and now I can't leave. I really like this game, much better than the first Guild Wars, I just want to play. *sigh*