Is nightfall worth $50 or should I stick with factions?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

I cant decide if I should buy the game, is it worth it or should I wait and stick with factions?




Join Date: Sep 2006



Nightfall is well worth the money, the CE isnt worth the extra, although the dance is cool still doesnt make it worth the extra cash. I personally think that NF is very close if not better the prophecies, and is 100 times better than Factions.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006


if you want you could wait until a review From gamespy or gamespot or ign releases a review then decide from there. Or try and talk to friends who have it and get their opinions



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005



Nightfall is 100 times better than factions, which was ridiculous. If you considered factions worth 50 cents, Nightfall is worth $50.

Thom Bangalter

Thom Bangalter


Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by Anarkii
Nightfall is 100 times better than factions, which was ridiculous. If you considered factions worth 50 cents, Nightfall is worth $50.
agreed. I'm having so much fun playing through nightfall, my paragon is pretty far. My assassin is only level 13. It may be because I enjoy the new classes more, or because I'm not into ha anymore, but nightfall has been a lot of fun.

A bit more grind though. Grinding sunspear points, grinding for sapphires, etc. Which is arguably good for pve.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Nightfall is totally worth it.
Nightfall is better than Prophecies and Factions... together.

Brother Redmund

Brother Redmund

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Phoebe
Nightfall is totally worth it.
Nightfall is better than Prophecies and Factions... together.
Thats a big call... Prophecies was/is a classic, don't know if I can back you on that one. Nightfall is a vast improvement on Factions IMO.

Moist Muffin

Academy Page

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Running for my life because some idiot El aggro'd the beasties and then ran by my monk

GamerzUnlimited [gu]


Yes get NF and evolve with the game. I am on noob Island still and have enjoyed it completely so far. The only bummer is I'm afraid to sell anything yet and dont have any room in storage.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

i yet to try the pvp part of nightfall (not sure if there is any new pvp style). But the hero system and the fun of some latter mission where you can sit inside some form of 'transport' to fight is cool. Me still not finish pve yet, btw.

I think 50 is fair for this chapter, not so much for faction though..

Angel Netherborn

Angel Netherborn

Krytan Explorer

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Goda Vos

Originally Posted by Moist Muffin
Yes get NF and evolve with the game. I am on noob Island still and have enjoyed it completely so far. The only bummer is I'm afraid to sell anything yet and dont have any room in storage.
I hear ya. "My pack's getting full. I should sell some stuff. Should I sell this... nah... this.... nah... how about that.... hmm.. nah...!"

As I keep telling to ppl who ask if Nightfall is worth it, I'll ask back if you like PvE. If you think PvE is a very important component, then it's definitely, without a single doubt, worth it. Factions was still pretty ok in the PvP areas but the PvE stuff was generally thought of as pretty bad (although I personally think it was ok).


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Whats the top things you guys think nightfall improved on from factions??? Iam sorta new to guildwars, been playing about 5 months. I kinda wished factions had kooler looking landscape, and neat areas to go into, like awesome looking caves and stuff.

Quid Pro Quo

Quid Pro Quo

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Phoebe
Nightfall is totally worth it.
Nightfall is better than Prophecies and Factions... together.
I agree but only because I've played both. If I hadn't played them already I probably wouldn't like Nightfall as much. Nothing can beat how unique pre-searing is to the rest of the game including the new chapters.

When I first started playing guild wars a year and a half ago I never imagined it would turn into anything like it has. I love nightfall.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


It's all really buggy right now which is frustrating - BUT once those are fixed this promises to be worth the money it seems. Thus far I am loving it, but the bugs are making it hard to like right now ;_;



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Perth, Australia

Best campaign so far imo, although I really enjoyed Tyria as a newbie at the beginning.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


I'd say Nightfall is worth atleast $70; so go ahead and spring for the CE

Kidney Licker

Kidney Licker

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Europe Server

Nightfall is worth getting, but if money is a problem it's not going to hurt to wait a bit until the price goes down.



I like yumy food!

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Dead Alley [dR]


Nightfall is definitely worth getting. Factions claims to be a PvP oriented game, but I'd say the PvP improvement (hero battle) in nightfall is much better than AB or aspenwood/jade quarry. Well respected PvP players do things like RA and hero arenas, but they don't really consider AB a form of true PvP...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Manchester, England

New Dragons [NDR]

Definitely worth it, but don't bother with the CE.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Triumvirate of Troglodytes


If You're going to invest your money in a game, let it be "Nightfall".

The game just keeps getting better.

- The gameplay offers unique possibilities where you have more control over the outcome of any combat situation.
- The graphics are mind-blowing and even more immersing than in the previous chapters.
- The land is vast and the NPC, in it, offer interesting possibilities.
- The music is "blip blip" amazing!
- The new characters are beautiful and powerful.

No words can describe the experience, you have to try it to understand.

So, is it worth it?

"Blip" Yes!

Happy Misery

"Anything which deserves to be done, deserves to be well done."


Grotto Attendant

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Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Gabe3
Whats the top things you guys think nightfall improved on from factions??? Iam sorta new to guildwars, been playing about 5 months. I kinda wished factions had kooler looking landscape, and neat areas to go into, like awesome looking caves and stuff.
I'm still running around at the beginning areas, seen about 15% of the place. It's Sooooo much better than factions. A wide open plain, tropical sandy islands, green forested areas, beautiful costal villages, and an ancient, haunted city (nothing like that thing in factions), are all there and all are very well made. I'm looking forward to see what else they've got cooked up on the mainland areas!
Other ways it's better than factions:

Heros. Once you've got them, you set their skills, attributes, weapons & even runes on their armor. You can even do the spell casating for them!

Hero/Henchie control. You can set individualt way points for your Heros to stand, or you can set 1 way point for them all (including regular henchies) to stay at while you pull or whatever.

More gradual learning curve. It doesn't have a rush-rush feel to it at all.

Story line. Vastly better than whatever that thing factions had was. With Nightfall, they've made it feel like players are much more involved in the events of the story, they've even included your heroes in on the cut scene dialog!

Amity and Truth

Amity and Truth

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006


Nightfall is worth getting... BUT... don't buy it yet.
Wait a bit until the severe bugs are fixed. There are currently a lot of them in the game. Enough to make it downright frustrating sometimes.

"What, i didn't skip the cutscene and now half my team is doomed in a huge room with absolutely nooo way out?"
"Hmmm, shouldn't there be enemies coming by now? Quest says so. Meh, restart quest. Oh, enemies coming. Bugged quests ftw!"
"I wonder why it is impossible to get anymore blessing after Rank 8. The bar COULD keep on going"

etc, etc, etc
It's too buggy at the moment.

Other than that, after Factions it could only get better and it got better. Heroes are nice, though they killed PUGs completely (could be me but all i see is Hero/Hench Team and not even a single human team). Storyline is okay, quests are okay, graphics are okay (though you'll see a LOOOOOT of desert and it gets a bit old after a while).

Edge Of Malan

Edge Of Malan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


New England Terror (NET)


Originally Posted by Eviance
It's all really buggy right now which is frustrating - BUT once those are fixed this promises to be worth the money it seems. Thus far I am loving it, but the bugs are making it hard to like right now ;_;
I dunno, maybe you're just flying through the game and finding stuff where I haven't been (i'm still on noobie island) but I haven't found many bugs.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Well i just ordered it in the ingame store so no turning back now


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Queens, New York

Elite Warriors


Originally Posted by Gabe3
Well i just ordered it in the ingame store so no turning back now
Go ahead and get it you wont be disappointed, is a great game more like prophecies.

I love it man.