Are there any useful rare items left?
I just returned to guildwars to play nightfall after going over to WoW for about 4 months.
Whats left for cream of the crop rare items? I heard a bunch were there anything desirable to try and get left? Also what are currently the most desirable weapons for each class? I just started a new ranger and im wondering what weapon i should look forward to...
Whats left for cream of the crop rare items? I heard a bunch were there anything desirable to try and get left? Also what are currently the most desirable weapons for each class? I just started a new ranger and im wondering what weapon i should look forward to...
Ranger? Urgoz's Longbow is probably the "cream" of the crop, imo.
Its a green, good stats and a very unique skin. Its not super rare, but rare enough to get some attention
Its a green, good stats and a very unique skin. Its not super rare, but rare enough to get some attention

as far as pve wise..
low req 15^50 chaos, fellblade,
low req 2020 staves... expecially rare skins... ghostly and such
any low req perfect dual mod shield. rare skins can push prices upwards of 400k
15^50 mursatt hammers
15^50 mursatt bows..
Ummmm pretty much any thing that you can find in the rare skin priceguide.. nightfall has not affected the rare skin market due to the fact that only nightfall inherit mods can be salvaged..
of course there are always crystalines and dwarvens.. but they are found mostly in pvp
low req 15^50 chaos, fellblade,
low req 2020 staves... expecially rare skins... ghostly and such
any low req perfect dual mod shield. rare skins can push prices upwards of 400k
15^50 mursatt hammers
15^50 mursatt bows..
Ummmm pretty much any thing that you can find in the rare skin priceguide.. nightfall has not affected the rare skin market due to the fact that only nightfall inherit mods can be salvaged..
of course there are always crystalines and dwarvens.. but they are found mostly in pvp
ok so basically its down to the regular gold items with good mods...
no oddities left around...? Like i remember when i bought my HOD sword for cost like 200k. Everything like that has been nerfed? I keep hearing about these 15ffs or 10al items or whatever... can someone explain what that stuff is for me?
BTW thanks so far... i got alot of catching up to do.
no oddities left around...? Like i remember when i bought my HOD sword for cost like 200k. Everything like that has been nerfed? I keep hearing about these 15ffs or 10al items or whatever... can someone explain what that stuff is for me?
BTW thanks so far... i got alot of catching up to do.
Former Ruling
There are plenty of Rare skins.
If its your style, you can still spent millions on a weapon
If its your style, you can still spent millions on a weapon

When I started 15^50 weapons were worth a lot because they were rare and improved the player's performance. Now 15^50 weapons are only worth something if they're pretty.
yeah... i remember back in the day when prophecies first came out.. i hate a Sword 13% unconditional..req 8 but max dmg was only 21... i sold it for ALOT back then.. i forget. I used to regret it.. but now I dont think 21 dmg is very good...compared to conditional 22 dmg ones.
Recently the 15% Fiery Flame Spitter and some old HoD weapons were 'balanced'. So was the 20% Rockmolder some months ago. Search guildwiki for the details; I dont have them.
So the only oddities left in the game (that I can think of) are the unconditional ones as you say.
So the only oddities left in the game (that I can think of) are the unconditional ones as you say.
skreet preacha
well, so far, inscriptions only apply to NF items, so i'd think the old rare skinned perf modded stuff would still be valueable, Crystallines, Serpent, Dwarven, Chaos, Zodiac, Dead, Ghostly, Outcast, Divine, Wailing, Storm, Mursaat, Sephis, Magma, etc
so the "balanced" items were made to be just like other items? losing anything unique about them?
Wow that really sucks....
Wow that really sucks....
If you're talking about greens, pretty much I think. 15^50 req 8 weapons are like 5-10k. The rest of the cost beyond that is just based on looks...
Shadow Maruader
this may b a tad late...but who cares,
the Green Ungues of the Oni is still a fairly rare drop...
its not worth a bundle but its rare skin and zelous mod make it worth your while if u can get on from the oni in rheas long as you have an assassin course.
the Green Ungues of the Oni is still a fairly rare drop...
its not worth a bundle but its rare skin and zelous mod make it worth your while if u can get on from the oni in rheas long as you have an assassin course.
Sorry buddy. No such thing as bugged unbalanced gameplay items that no longer drop left (except for the unconditional 15%s which dropped at the very begging of the game, since those each have unique stats (ie not every one is the same like every HoD sword was the same), it will be pretty much impossible to nerf those.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
since those each have unique stats (ie not every one is the same like every HoD sword was the same), it will be pretty much impossible to nerf those.

The Herbalizer
capitalist (guru name) was selling a 14% short bow I think. He had a 400 ecto offer but said it wasnt high enough.
no neg weps are very very rare and very expensive
no neg weps are very very rare and very expensive
Thats why his name is capitalist...