Paragon Shouts and Minions
Do Paragon Shouts (such as Go For The Eyes) work on minions.
Don't think so, they're not supposed to work in spirits either?
If you mean minions as in, heroes (Koss)? Yes, it affects them. Chants, echoes, etc., it should all affect them.
As for henchmen, I don't know 100% for sure, but I'd wager so as well, since they're all in your party, so they should all be considered Allies. I've even used Mending Refrain on a non grouped Ally.
As for henchmen, I don't know 100% for sure, but I'd wager so as well, since they're all in your party, so they should all be considered Allies. I've even used Mending Refrain on a non grouped Ally.
Uh I mean minions as in Necro Minions
Well the chant: anthem of flame, worked for my paragon on the minnions that the npc necro summons on one of the missions. There was a barbeque that night for sure.
Just started as an N/P, but yes, chants seem to work alright.
Lord Palidore
Go For The Eyes/Anthem of Flame + MM = .... :O
If they do work on minions anyways o.O .
I'll probably go and test it out a little later.
If they do work on minions anyways o.O .
I'll probably go and test it out a little later.
Anthem of flame shouldn't trigger, they are not using attacks skills. But generally any shout that says allies works on minions. Like Go For The Eyes.
I'm fairly certain they do trigger on minions, though most of them require a skill to be used some skills such as "GFTE" and "Find their weakness" should work with minions
How are you ever going to get enough Adrenaline as a MM >>
If only you can use Go For The Eyes and Find Their Weaknesses with Order of Undeath while keeping yourself healed XD
If only you can use Go For The Eyes and Find Their Weaknesses with Order of Undeath while keeping yourself healed XD
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
How are you ever going to get enough Adrenaline as a MM >>
If only you can use Go For The Eyes and Find Their Weaknesses with Order of Undeath while keeping yourself healed XD You could always just have the paragons on your team use it, I mean pretty much every Paragon has GFTE. XD
If only you can use Go For The Eyes and Find Their Weaknesses with Order of Undeath while keeping yourself healed XD You could always just have the paragons on your team use it, I mean pretty much every Paragon has GFTE. XD
Lord Palidore
Well, I remembered this post while I was in the middle of a mission, tried using "Never Give Up," and it did indeed give them health boost, so depending on the type of shout/chant it, I suppose they do work on MMs.
I like to do everything solo because depending on others.. well let's just say you won't always meet with someone who has common sense =/
no lol.. none of that works on minions or spirits at all. bottom line. sorry :/
Shouts that effect all allies do effect minions. I know i get the leadership bonus for more than 3 people when doing small party farms with a MM. Minions don't use skills though so for a lot of the shouts that require skill usage to activate will not effect the minions.
MM will never get enough adrenaline =(
O well time to level up a Paragon hero XD
O well time to level up a Paragon hero XD
Stoneys Rock
It will not affect minions as it only affects party members in earshot etc as minions aren't really members like koss they should not in theory be affected.
Sophitia Leafblade
As the skill quotes “All allys” so any minions or npcs within range will be affected however some skills do say specifically “All party members” these will be the chats that wont work on minions while the other ones will
As Anthem of Flame triggers On Skill use only, it's not working with necro minions as they do not use skills. It might trigger on spirit's attacks such as Pain, because spirits are actually using skill called Pain but I've never tested it. Go for the Eyes workes really wonders with necro minions because it is a party-wide shout triggered by next attack. It's worthless with spirits as their attacks are fixed armor ignoring dmg. Find their Weakness is a targetted call on a single! ally and you are better of shouting it for yourself while wielding your spear or for your war/ranger/sin teammate.