O.o ... 7.12 GB!?
I thought I'd do a cleaning to make sure my gw.dat file was the right size. I had done a -image before and it was a little under 5 GB. I deleted gw.dat, and ran a new -image. I ended up with 7.12 GB instead. Clearly not all those files are still necessary, because it told me I had all the current files decompressed back when the .dat was 5 GB. How do I get rid of whatever extra stuff is now there? The original idea had been to remove any extra old files.

english storm
there seems to be a bug when you download updates at a very slow speed. When ever i try, and it's going very slow the dat file always ends up a few gig to big. I always make sure i download the dat file when the server is likely to be less busy and it normally ends up at the correct size.
Well, with Nightfall just out, it seems unlikely that I'll find a time when the server isn't busy. :/
It's a bug, it should be around 3. There was a post about it (what happened was faction would load 2 copies if it's own data files) somewhere in this forum and how to fix it.
Found it: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10057470
Found it: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10057470