Hi guys,
wif the new ai for the monsters, so using 55hp monk for uw is useless now? cos im about to create a 55hp monk. is it still worth while to create a 55hp? or is 600hp one. wats the diff anyway and wat is it for
55hp monk no use now?
Mesmer in Need
ok with the new aoe nerf, soj, zealots fire, and other smiting skills cause your enemies to run, and when there hp goes down a bit, the run. so prety much killing enemies takes a long time now and its not worth it. but you can still run like from warcamp to granite.
There are still some areas where 55ing is still profitable. Things do take longer and to some may not be worth the effort anymore.
i only hav factions
If you only have factions then you might as well not make a 55 monk anyway. Half the skills a 55ers uses are phrophecy skills (esscence bond, bath spirit, Bon's Defense, watchful spirit).
Since you only have factions, you will not be able to solo since Shield Of Judgement is a Prophecies skill only.