If I have never played Guild Wars before, and NIghtfall just came out, what would be the best version of the game to buy first to get a hang of it to learn how to play and what would be the best version to buy for the gameplay quality and funishness
Terra Xin
Prophecies will give you a first hand insight on how to play the game
Factions will carefully explain evey aspect of the game, but you'll feel like you're being rushed.
Nightfall, though its still early to assess, would have the best gameplay quality and "funishness".
Factions will carefully explain evey aspect of the game, but you'll feel like you're being rushed.
Nightfall, though its still early to assess, would have the best gameplay quality and "funishness".
Do they all have the same graphics and things of the sort?
And it is quite difficult to get a party in either Prophecies or Factions right now because anyone who owns Nightfall is playing over there. Get Nightfall. You can always get the other chapters later. And sequence between chapters means nothing to the overall story.
Terra Xin
Do they all have the same graphics and things of the sort? |
IMO. I liked the graphics from prophecies, there are some really awesome sceneries there. Battle isles is my second favourite, its a core area of all 3 campaigns.
Best bet would be to get a really good graphics card though, because having a really crappy one and a really good one makes a very big difference.
It's a toss up between Nightfall and Prophecies. factions isn't new-player frinedly in the least.
With Nightfall, every place is well populated with players, so lots of people around to help with questions and all that. The training mission will get you up to speed for the game playing dynamics and all that. It's got a nice learning curve and the story line involves the characters that you play more than the other 2 chapters. The only drawback to it that I'm seeing is that gaining skills isn't as easy as it is in Prophecies. Paragon and Dervish are two new professions introduced in Nightfall.
With Prophecies, you're starting h the original. The learning curve is a tab bit slower, but you can gain a whole bunch of skills by doing skills quest. Many of the better skills for the core professions (Monk, Warrior, Mesmer, Necromancer, ranger, and Elementalist) are only available in Prophecies.
Both are very good visually, good story-lines and have some humorous elements. The same design team that did Prophecies designed Nightfall, and they did make some nice improvements on the original.
I'd start with Nightfall and later on, if you're enjoying the game, add Prophecies. Chapter 2, factions isn't nearly as good as the other 2.
With Nightfall, every place is well populated with players, so lots of people around to help with questions and all that. The training mission will get you up to speed for the game playing dynamics and all that. It's got a nice learning curve and the story line involves the characters that you play more than the other 2 chapters. The only drawback to it that I'm seeing is that gaining skills isn't as easy as it is in Prophecies. Paragon and Dervish are two new professions introduced in Nightfall.
With Prophecies, you're starting h the original. The learning curve is a tab bit slower, but you can gain a whole bunch of skills by doing skills quest. Many of the better skills for the core professions (Monk, Warrior, Mesmer, Necromancer, ranger, and Elementalist) are only available in Prophecies.
Both are very good visually, good story-lines and have some humorous elements. The same design team that did Prophecies designed Nightfall, and they did make some nice improvements on the original.
I'd start with Nightfall and later on, if you're enjoying the game, add Prophecies. Chapter 2, factions isn't nearly as good as the other 2.