Quest NPCs keep getting me stuck


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005



I was just wondering if anyone else was having this problem. There are two quests in Istan that involve escorting [insert frustrated obscenities here] NPCs through the Lahtenda Bog. One is to lead the group of nobles to the tombs/ruins/whatever, the other is to lead that bunch of idiot drunks who get themselves caught by a *nation* of corsairs safely back home.

The quest NPCs follow you, and whenever you stop, they tend to SWARM around you, encircling you and then never letting you move. I tried the /stuck command, but that just doesn't work. Also, a lot of times, I seem to be able to get out, but then none of my NPCs/henchies/heroes follow me, and a few long seconds later, I rubberband back to where I got encircled by the quest NPCs. I even tried to command my heroes to pull baddies to me so I can be killed (I don't have a vamp weapon) and rebirthed, but the bad guys IGNORE ME.

I've had to restart the nobles quest 3 times and the Master's quest for the drunk kids twice (you can imagine I'm really pulling my hair out because of this). I'm STILL not done with the Master's quest.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem? If so, have you found any solutions to it? Thank you.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Last night tried leading the spirits through the bog and yes, I had the same problem. Only the first time I've encountered this, but needless to say I was pretty annoyed as I had almost completed that quest and also a second quest at the same time.....


edit: I used the /stuck command to get me out of it the first time, but then it happened after a little while so I tried /stuck again, but it didn't work.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006



/stuck worked for me in the "lead the stupid ghosts through the bog" quest when they swarmed around me, but it also took a bit of twisting and turning to get out of the mess too.

It took a little while and I thought I was going to have to restart but eventually I freed myself.

Other than that they also got stuck behind an NPC and a tree and I had to go back to them, run past them the other way to free them up and then take as wide a path as possible past the obstacles.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

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My wife complained of this same problem yesterday (I haven't done the quest yet). She told me that getting stuck by the NPCs had forced her into restarting the quest almost a dozen times. And yes, she knows about the /stuck command.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Kou, that exact same thing happened to me with the "What do you do with a drunken Shauben" or whatever it's called.

Lagged out twice while trying to do it. Finally finished, had 60dp (I was probably too low a level), we start back toward Blacktide Den. But, the heroes/henches keep running back toward the NPCs who are not moving! Over and over. I set my flag up ahead so the henches will get out of there, and when I cancel the flag they run back to the drunkards.

Figured out that *I* was stuck in the middle of the drunkards the whole time. :/ That's why the heroes were gravitating there. Sigh. One day I'll get over the trauma and go back to do that quest!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

I've gotten stuck on the ghost quest each time I've tried it.

the /stuck command didn't seem to do anything for me.

I plan to clear the entire zone first then do the quest with my hero's parked.

can anyone give me specifics on the /stuck command? How long does it take to activate?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Kou
I was just wondering if anyone else was having this problem. There are two quests in Istan that involve escorting [insert frustrated obscenities here] NPCs through the Lahtenda Bog. (..)
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?(..)
Oh god yes, I have no idea why those npc:s stick to you like glue. At least heanchmen/heroes wonder around a bit so you can find a opening.

Note: those are the only quests I have not completed on starter isle because its too ..lets say frustrating to say the least, to do them. No solution to them from what I know.
Originally Posted by Krodah
(..)can anyone give me specifics on the /stuck command? How long does it take to activate?
It works immidietly, but it only moves you a pixel or two to one side, completely useless for npc-block.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006


Brave and Honorable [BaH]


Well, a good tip (which I always followed) was kill all enemies on the way first, and then head back to the starting position. Only then accept the quest and escort the people to their destinations.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Threepwood
Well, a good tip (which I always followed) was kill all enemies on the way first, and then head back to the starting position. Only then accept the quest and escort the people to their destinations.
This is not possible in the quests we are talking about. You get the quest in a town.




Join Date: May 2005


Sofonisba - wouldn't it be possible to enter the explorable area from a different zone rather than the town where you got the quest?

IE instead of exiting the town into the zone to do the quest.. map over to another city and work your way to the zone you need to be in (and thus enter the zone at a different point than had you left the original town), clear the area and then go to the "entrance" and pick up the npc's for the quest?

(sorry if this isn't possible, I'm not that far into starter/newbie island..)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]


kamatsu, thanks for that... I did not see any other ways into Lahtenda Bog, but it is possible I missed the zone. :P

Either way, it is not the enemies, it's the friends that are getting us in trouble!

Here's the way it goes down:

*Blacktide Den (town you get the quest)
*exit south into Lahtenda Bog
*clear the way to the southern end of Bog
*pick up your NPCs -- and if you are free to move -- walk them back along the already-cleared path to Blacktide Den entrance.

Most of the time it appears folks are having trouble getting stuck in the friendlies, not the baddies.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Salt Lake City

Killer Clan Musketeers


I just tried this mission last night. Even if you clear the zone before going after the drunkards it repopulates with corsairs. I struggled through this awful quest for about an hour or more due to all the hang ups, H/Hs not attacking enemies, me getting stuck between all the annoying NPCs. Got all the way to the entrance of Blacktide Den only to find out that the end-mission would not trigger. The drunkards would not go into the outpost. I am still livid about that. I can safely say this is one mission I have no desire to attempt again. It is IMO the worst quest of all three chapters. Whoever designed this quest needs be taken into the bogs and left for dead.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005



Oy. So it seems the quest is still not attemptable, as people are still getting stuck. I hope this gets remedied soonish. I'm a stickler for completing all quests (as long as it's not Canthan ; ). ><


Phoenix Arrows

Wilds Pathfinder

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Just got fixed in the GW Update thingy. Should work now.




Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Sofonisba
kamatsu, thanks for that... I did not see any other ways into Lahtenda Bog, but it is possible I missed the zone. .
Seems there is only one way into the Bog.. and that's through Blacktide Den. At least according to the map on GW Wiki.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006



Honestly the bog isnt hard. Read my post.