Nightfall CE Music Question



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Part of the reason I got the CE was so I could get the Nightfall music, but for some reason, I only got about 5 songs. Are there really only 5 songs in Nightfall? Or am I doing something wrong?


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006


Echo of Darkness [EOD]


Those are the 6 BONUS songs you get for having the CE in *addition* to the music that's already in the game.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


I'm confused...the cd you get with the CE has about 35 tracks on it...

Then there's the bonus tracks on top




Join Date: May 2005


The CD has ALL the tracks in nightfall - the standard ones that come with the game plus the bonus ones..

when you d/l and install the NF CE music pack, you get the bonus track's aded to the music which plays in-game when in NF area's.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Wait, so let me get this straight. The CE music key is only for unlocking new music in game? So then if I want to be able to listen to the Nightfall music out of game (which is a big reason for me buying CE), then I still have to go to and buy the Nightfall music pack?



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by gamecube187
Wait, so let me get this straight. The CE music key is only for unlocking new music in game? So then if I want to be able to listen to the Nightfall music out of game (which is a big reason for me buying CE), then I still have to go to and buy the Nightfall music pack?
No. All the music is on the CD you receive with the Collector's Edition. If you choose to enter the bonus code from Direct Song into the directsong website, you will have 6 alternate musical settings in Nightfall.

At any time you choose, you can load up the CD and listen to all the original and bonus music. It's a great CD, in my opinion.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Caleb The Pontiff
No. All the music is on the CD you receive with the Collector's Edition. If you choose to enter the bonus code from Direct Song into the directsong website, you will have 6 alternate musical settings in Nightfall.

At any time you choose, you can load up the CD and listen to all the original and bonus music. It's a great CD, in my opinion.
Oh, that makes sence. I guess if it weren't for the halloween event, I would have had time by now to go through all of the CE box and never would have made this thread. I feel so dumb now...