I believe the FoW armor has been updated to work with inscriptions now correct? How has the forgemaster changed? It used to be ecto, shards, and another rare material depending on which "style" you chose.
Could someone get a screenshot? Thanks
Academy Page
Join Date: Mar 2006
We Are Too Cute In [Pink]
31 Oct 2006 at 11:49 - 2
Not sure where you got that info, but I was in FoW yesterday and things didn't look any different.
Forge Runner
Join Date: Jan 2006
Stars of Destiny
31 Oct 2006 at 14:46 - 3
Perhaps it is just the dervish and paragon then that have only one set to choose from and be inscription based. Although that would be a little strange. Good, well if it hasn't changed then I know what materials I need to take.