New Storage Tab: Customized storage
I really want to see another tab for storage of customized items. This would give us a place to put alternate hero weapons, alternate sets of armor (so people could go collecting!) and especially holiday gear! It can be character specific, unlike other storage (since items are customized per character, not per account), and even possibly expandable by some means or another.
This would, if anything, have a positive impact on the economy because people would be more willing to buy armor and more willing to customize weapons and take them off the market.
This would, if anything, have a positive impact on the economy because people would be more willing to buy armor and more willing to customize weapons and take them off the market.
Dark Angle
/signed storage just too little in Gw
We could really use a key ring in this game as well. A new 5th inventory spot on your character for keys only.
The storage we get via the storage agent though is way too little.
We could really use a key ring in this game as well. A new 5th inventory spot on your character for keys only.
The storage we get via the storage agent though is way too little.
Storage 10X10.
And give the possibility to buy more, like char slots.
The current storage is meant to hold items of ONE campaign.
Now we have three campaings, with different armors, weapons, event items, minipets.
And give the possibility to buy more, like char slots.
The current storage is meant to hold items of ONE campaign.
Now we have three campaings, with different armors, weapons, event items, minipets.
Oh a GW forum
I'm so RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOin tight on storage it isn't funny. I have 2 mule account even
I'm so RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOin tight on storage it isn't funny. I have 2 mule account even
i love the idea /signed!
LOVE THE KEY RINGS, i want my Female ELE key rings now ^_^i actualy had to purchase a whole new account in game just to create mules to keep my materials and weapons :/
LOVE THE KEY RINGS, i want my Female ELE key rings now ^_^i actualy had to purchase a whole new account in game just to create mules to keep my materials and weapons :/
Kais Unduli
One hell of an idea, one that I'm sure a lot of players would find extremely useful.
One hell of an idea, one that I'm sure a lot of players would find extremely useful.
My original idea was to have Xunlai faction points earnable by exploring the map, and spending these faction points to increase storage. Cartographer titles can increase the cap on this faction using the new mechanics like with Balth Faction, but I'm sure there are other ways that players can "earn" a bigger storage.
Key rings are a genius idea!
Malice Black
More storage means more serverspace Needed to store this data, aka a investment of Anet.
But A very good investment it is
But A very good investment it is

Poison Ivy
Not that this will ever happen, I mean come on, were talking about Anet.
Not that this will ever happen, I mean come on, were talking about Anet.
Oh a GW forum
Originally Posted by mr_groovy
More storage means more serverspace Needed to store this data, aka a investment of Anet.
But A very good investment it is ![]() /Signed |
Originally Posted by Oh a GW forum
Um wrong. Everything is already there... how the hell is just having a tab for it taking up more server space for armor that already existed stuffed into every available space you had? Do you even think about something before you say it lol?
Do YOU think before you say ?
edit: i dont know that much about databases and such...but think if our account was 11kb's large...and say this increased it by 4kb per account... thats alot when you multiply it by the amount of accounts in the game. >_>
2 million accounts x 4 kb (which I agree that 4kb is reasonable) comes out to 8 billion bytes. Or 8 GB. Which is smaller than the smallest hard drive you can buy from a computer store.
Oh, and could I get some more meaningful replies, than, "/signed"? Great way to spam a thread. It's supportive spam, but still not terribly helpful.
Oh, and could I get some more meaningful replies, than, "/signed"? Great way to spam a thread. It's supportive spam, but still not terribly helpful.
I especially like the Key rings idea
I especially like the Key rings idea
I think storage would be the single best thing Anet could add to the online store in their "Upgrades" section. They could make a lot of money selling additional storage space.
I think storage would be the single best thing Anet could add to the online store in their "Upgrades" section. They could make a lot of money selling additional storage space.
Funny that I was thinking exactly this yesterday, as I watched my storage space be taken up by holiday hats. I was just about to post this here 
I don't agree that it should be sold, tho; every character should have a full custom storage upgrade (unlockable like the materials storage, and as big as the normal shared storage space) for free. If you want to buy storage, just buy a new char slot and create a mule char, and there you go: 45 storage slots for 10 dollars.

I don't agree that it should be sold, tho; every character should have a full custom storage upgrade (unlockable like the materials storage, and as big as the normal shared storage space) for free. If you want to buy storage, just buy a new char slot and create a mule char, and there you go: 45 storage slots for 10 dollars.
to what limit though. if it's 5 slots, you'll aquire 6 itmes and gripe.
If it's 25 slots you'll aquire 26 items and gripe, and if it's 1500 items, you'll aquire 1501 items and gripe.
Lets see we want pet storage and crafting material storage, and armor storage, and weapon storage, and automobile storage, and rune storage, and inscription storage, and key storage, and dye storage, more gold storage, and more weapon storage, and now airplane storage, and more pet storage, and customized storage.
Sorry, but I don't by your 10 characters have every set of armor dyed in every color, every green, every gold, every mod, etc. Delete some of that stuff and stop pack ratting.
While additional storage is never a bad thing, there has to be a limit, and players will just have to manage to stay within those limits
/not signed
If it's 25 slots you'll aquire 26 items and gripe, and if it's 1500 items, you'll aquire 1501 items and gripe.
Lets see we want pet storage and crafting material storage, and armor storage, and weapon storage, and automobile storage, and rune storage, and inscription storage, and key storage, and dye storage, more gold storage, and more weapon storage, and now airplane storage, and more pet storage, and customized storage.
Sorry, but I don't by your 10 characters have every set of armor dyed in every color, every green, every gold, every mod, etc. Delete some of that stuff and stop pack ratting.
While additional storage is never a bad thing, there has to be a limit, and players will just have to manage to stay within those limits
/not signed
While it's fair that some limit must be forced (and Anet itself stated the choices of what to keep in inventory and what to lose are part of what they think makes RPGs fun), it's also a fact that the increasing number of campaigns (thus new armor and equipment and collector stuff, and now heroes, too) and holiday event goodies brings extra stress to the existing storage options. Customized storage is a perfect way to solve the problem created by the need to manually equip heroes, and it also helps with the holiday items issue, as well as the fact that players often have various weapon and armor setups (which is part of the GW philosophy of free change-in-the-fly: if people don't have enough space to have adequate gear, they risk missing that great aspect of the game).
A large enough customized storage can be a permanent solution to many of these problems, while remaining restricted enough to not make storage too easy. As a side effect, it will also encourage people to customize their greens and golds, reducing the amount of such items floating around and keeping the market stable as new items are farmed. All in all, a good idea.
And if it still isn't enough for some people, they can go and buy a slot for a mule char, as I said. All the better for Anet, who gets another 10 bucks.
A large enough customized storage can be a permanent solution to many of these problems, while remaining restricted enough to not make storage too easy. As a side effect, it will also encourage people to customize their greens and golds, reducing the amount of such items floating around and keeping the market stable as new items are farmed. All in all, a good idea.
And if it still isn't enough for some people, they can go and buy a slot for a mule char, as I said. All the better for Anet, who gets another 10 bucks.
Dougal Kronik
I would love to see a key ring or an armor/holiday gear storage tab.
There are some things I just would not want to get rid of. Green weapons, Holiday Headgear, Mini Pets.
They gave us a storage tab, they could add other tabs for gold to upgrade.
I would also like to see a collectible drop drop that you would have to pay gold to unlock for each area; examples would be an Ascalonian upgrade, Krytan upgrade, Kournan upgrade, Jade Sea upgrade, for each area where the creatures are similar between explorable zones. You would unlock these at the Xunlai Representative in each City/Major Outpost.
There are some things I just would not want to get rid of. Green weapons, Holiday Headgear, Mini Pets.
They gave us a storage tab, they could add other tabs for gold to upgrade.
I would also like to see a collectible drop drop that you would have to pay gold to unlock for each area; examples would be an Ascalonian upgrade, Krytan upgrade, Kournan upgrade, Jade Sea upgrade, for each area where the creatures are similar between explorable zones. You would unlock these at the Xunlai Representative in each City/Major Outpost.
It's amazing, I was just about to post something along the same line yesterday but got interrupted...
My proposal would be a tab containing a scroll box. Each entry in the scroll box would contain a mini-icon + simple text of the item + character it's customized for.
However, I like this idea of the tab being character specific. In which case, it might just be, for your character XXX:
XXX's closet:
furious pumpkin head
witch's hat
yule hat
bloody scar for necro
deathly scar for necro
That's be very kewl indeed.
It's amazing, I was just about to post something along the same line yesterday but got interrupted...
My proposal would be a tab containing a scroll box. Each entry in the scroll box would contain a mini-icon + simple text of the item + character it's customized for.
However, I like this idea of the tab being character specific. In which case, it might just be, for your character XXX:
XXX's closet:
furious pumpkin head
witch's hat
yule hat
bloody scar for necro
deathly scar for necro
That's be very kewl indeed.
The problem is that we now have 3 chapters and at least 8 character slots (for linking), while the Xunlai box is the exact same size for 2x the number of character slots. I wouldn't mind the shared storage if it increased a little bit. I mean, c'mon, we have THREE chapters now.....
Originally Posted by Mylon
My original idea was to have Xunlai faction points earnable by exploring the map, and spending these faction points to increase storage. Cartographer titles can increase the cap on this faction using the new mechanics like with Balth Faction, but I'm sure there are other ways that players can "earn" a bigger storage.
but a 'special bag' for just keys, another tab for custom weps would rock.
Best idea I heard in a while was keep the storage like it is now and just add another tab, like the one we have now, but make that new tab character only
this would increase the storage space a LOT no need to make weapons stackable or w/e (I'm against that (oro farming would be too easy)). This new tab should be bought at the upgrade agent for a bigger ammount of money. Lets say 1p p/character. You keep the advantage of being able to trade stuff between your chars without having to ask others to help u trade. Or having a 2nd pc with guildwars running just so u can get something of a mule account.
Extra storage for
Keys = yes
Armor sets = yes, but within reason: 10 slots/character should be reasonable (extra 2 sets)
CUSTOMIZED weapons = yes, but with limitation to 5 slots per character (do you really need 100 customized weapons?)
All holiday items = in on character storage (2nd backpack or something)
Keys = yes
Armor sets = yes, but within reason: 10 slots/character should be reasonable (extra 2 sets)
CUSTOMIZED weapons = yes, but with limitation to 5 slots per character (do you really need 100 customized weapons?)
All holiday items = in on character storage (2nd backpack or something)
Customized storage sounds like a fine way to implememt the storage problem. It certianly stands to reason that as our characters grow and grow, so does our need for storage, although I suppode one could make the argument that you can already buy extra storage - get another character slot and make a mule. However I feel that ANet should give those of us who continue to buy campaigns at least a little boost in our storage.
Gris Greene
When a different weapons slot is selected the weapons from the previous slot go back into storage. It would help if the weapons and armor could just stay in the weapons slots. That would at least give you room for four full sets of weapons and armor for each character, without using any additional storage space.
I don't have room for no mules and buying another account? psht!
I don't have room for no mules and buying another account? psht!
Lord Dobo
/signed for Holiday Items (customized and non) for sure.
Keys and dyes would be nice, as would mini-pets, but I'm not so sure about armors and weapons. The storage has to exsist to hold something without giving everything away in free space. Afterall, that's it's purpose... to hold stuff. What makes armor and weapons any different than most of the other things you CHOOSE to store.
But seriously ANET... Holiday items are obviously meant to be kept... why make it impossible to gain a benifit from having participated? With new Wintersday items likely, I can't see any of my characters being able to adventure much at all without constant inventory swaps.
Keys and dyes would be nice, as would mini-pets, but I'm not so sure about armors and weapons. The storage has to exsist to hold something without giving everything away in free space. Afterall, that's it's purpose... to hold stuff. What makes armor and weapons any different than most of the other things you CHOOSE to store.
But seriously ANET... Holiday items are obviously meant to be kept... why make it impossible to gain a benifit from having participated? With new Wintersday items likely, I can't see any of my characters being able to adventure much at all without constant inventory swaps.
The Silver Star
/signed... I have TWO yes only TWO PvE characters that i actually use and i still have storage problems one solution was so merchant all my 15k armor sets and get fow which helped bt i mean i shouldnt have to do such a thing just to have In space +_+
But i have a total of 11 character slots... which if i used more of i would have even less room :/
But i have a total of 11 character slots... which if i used more of i would have even less room :/
I have a hard enough time managing my storage for my I have to gear out heroes...and I got no additonal storage space to do it in?
Gris Greene
Originally Posted by Lord Dobo
What makes armor and weapons any different than most of the other things you CHOOSE to store.
But, I also need to store armor and weapons. There are collectible weapons that need to be stored until sold. Armor is like clothes. Do you only have one set of clothes in the closet? Certain armor is better suited for certain areas of the map. You might want to break out the fur lined armor when going to Shiverpeak.
Also, it's nice to have some "armor" to wear for special occasions, like Halloween.
/not signed
you aren't meant to mule items like crazy... more storage place only gives people that mule clear advantage... remember dragon mask era dye prices? Smaller storage forces you to think on what to keep and what not. It also stimulates trading.
you aren't meant to mule items like crazy... more storage place only gives people that mule clear advantage... remember dragon mask era dye prices? Smaller storage forces you to think on what to keep and what not. It also stimulates trading.
I think shared storage should go up by 5 for every character added to the base 4. So, if you have all 3 chapters linked and bought the pre-release bonus pack, you'd have an additional 35 slots in shared storage. Buy a char slot in the store? Get 5 more slots in shared storage.
Daemon Dremora
well when each new chapter comes out they give us more char. slots and the ability to buy more with the online store. why dont they give us more storage with each new chapter, and the ability to buy some on the online store. because, for some people what they would get with each new chapter would be plenty to get by on. but of course the farmers and other item collecting people, (special items and stuff), would use the room they could buy on the online store. just like the people that need a million char slots. i think it just makes sense. /end rant
well when each new chapter comes out they give us more char. slots and the ability to buy more with the online store. why dont they give us more storage with each new chapter, and the ability to buy some on the online store. because, for some people what they would get with each new chapter would be plenty to get by on. but of course the farmers and other item collecting people, (special items and stuff), would use the room they could buy on the online store. just like the people that need a million char slots. i think it just makes sense. /end rant
Ariena Najea
Key rings, cool idea =D
With customized-only weapon/armor storage it wouldn't disrupt Anet's original ideas for storage...
With customized-only weapon/armor storage it wouldn't disrupt Anet's original ideas for storage...
Originally Posted by Avatara
/not signed
you aren't meant to mule items like crazy... more storage place only gives people that mule clear advantage... remember dragon mask era dye prices? Smaller storage forces you to think on what to keep and what not. It also stimulates trading. |