Please allow us to create weapons and armors for pve heroes just like in pvp. Reasons are obvious. If some one owns multiple characters, he will have multiple sets of heroes. It'll cost a lot of golds to make all of them pvp ready. Even if you have the gold, you don't have the inventory space to keep all the weapons for each heroes. Each hero will need at least 3 different weapons/different attribute staves to be fully costomizable. Not to mention with the new armor system. So I have to go out and buy all my heroes inigia for all the situations? I have to have a sup rune for each attribute ready whenever I change their build from one attribute to another?
Or a better idea about runes and inigia in armors. Once you added a rune or a inigia into an armor, it's there forever, if you add a different type later, it will just add to the armor. While in town, you can choose to activate only one inigia/rune in that armor. So you only have to buy those once per armor peice. Then you have a fully customizable armor. I can keep different head peices with different sup runes, but my heroes cant. This will solve the problem. Inputs welcome
item crafter for pve heroes