Will that be great to throw snow balls in players when we will be in outposts. Well Yes... But more fun i think will be knocking down the player when you hit him with snow ball It will only work when you are in a team and mebers of your team can knock down you by throwing a snow in your face :P
Event Holiday 2006 idea.
Making a snow arena that ppl will be able to throw snow balls in it and win factions. I am thinking about 4vs4 or 6vs6 team arena when you don't kill your opponents but knock them down with snow balls. Everyone will have 3x lives when you knock down your opponent he will loose one live after loosing all lives he will be knocked down for good. You can add some water on the ground in arena in some places to slow down ppl so you will have to watch your step when you fight. Adding some walls, trees or maybe a houses will be a good idea. Dunno what about snow balls make a infinite snow balls that you can throw. Or drop them in arena and you have to look for them in the ground or maybe making a snow ball.
Thinking of 3 skills:
1. Sprint "you can run 20% faster 5sec recharge 20sec"
2. Make a snow ball "you make a snow ball using time 1 sec recharge: no recharge"
3. Doge "you doge balls for 5 sec and run 10% faster recharge 60sec you can't attack using this skill"
1. Sprint "you can run 20% faster 5sec recharge 20sec"
2. Throw Ball "you throw ball in opponent recharge 1sec"
3. Doge "you doge balls for 5 sec and run 10% faster recharge 60sec you can't attack using this skill"
p.s. Sorry for my bad English. :} And Happy halloween.
Holiday 2006
In other words the Snowball arena from last year.
Originally Posted by meowmeow89
In other words the Snowball arena from last year.
Well it seems i have missed that But knocking down party members in outposts sounds intresting to me ;]