Originally Posted by jaximus
how about no titles have emotes?
This slightly edited.
least *least so PvP'ers don't want to rip my head off -points at Evil Neato aka captain underpants-* remove bambi and phoenix, move tiger to be where phoenix is, and wolf to where tiger is.
Zaishen=Remove all but r10+
Kurzick=Give r10+/r12 Emote of Saint Viktor /Kurzick or /Krank
Luxon=Give r10+/r12 Emote of Archemorus /Luxon or /Lrank
GWAMM=Give r4+/r6 Emote of you're profession's god (Elementalist and Dervish would be random) - alternative add r7 "The Legend of <Character Name>" (Should be doable) and have the emote for that. /Legend
Or, just remove all emotes. That is also good. There is no longer a need for them (they were put in prior to titles for easy grouping in Tombs).
Kurzick and Luxon are both PvE and PvP, fair trade there. Zaishen is PvP but is bought by PvE, making it both, fair trade there. Hero is PvP only, GWAMM is basically PvP only.
I do have an alternative idea of how Zaishen should have been, but Linsey said nothing would be done like that anyways so pointless to post.