i know its more a monk question but i can deicide whether to post it here or the monk forum, so no flaming pelase
in nightfall can i make a boon protect, with out changign to profercies or factions?
little monk help
Please specify! You want to be a boon prot or you want your heroes to be boon-protting?
Didn't try out the first option, but I noticed that some hero roles, such as bonder, are not effective now as they were during the World Preview Event of NightFall. Apparently the bonding enchantments will not remain on the targeted ally.
Didn't try out the first option, but I noticed that some hero roles, such as bonder, are not effective now as they were during the World Preview Event of NightFall. Apparently the bonding enchantments will not remain on the targeted ally.
channeling, divine boon, reversal of fortune, and energy drain are all core skills, so you can create a boon prot using only NF.
Oh, in that way. Hehe. Sorry for the obnoxious reply.
Yes, as moriz explained, it is possible (=
Yes, as moriz explained, it is possible (=
kool cheers so e drain is avalable in NF, but what abot MoR, i didnt see it when i check the elite skills on wiki, or did i miss it?
mantra of recall is a prophecies skill, so it is not available.
you won't want to use it anyways. energy drain is probably better now.
you won't want to use it anyways. energy drain is probably better now.
cheers, but i personly still prefer MoR cos of the added hhp with CoP, but e drain wil ldo me fine ty ppl