Hi, I saw some guru auctions selling shield handles (or fortitude or +xxhp while enchanted).
Are those inscriptions, do they require an inscribable shield to be used?
I tried to expert salvage a Tyrian defender with +30hp, and it gave only the option to get materials.
If those shield handles are not inscriptions but normal upgrades, are they salvageable only from Elonians shields? An can be they applied only to other Elonian shields?
TY for clarification.
Shield handle, is it an upgrade or an inscription?
Not 100% sure, but I do know with weapon have to have an inscription slot in order to use inscription with the weapon. I assume shields would be the same way.
Former Ruling
All the new upgrades (Wand Wrappings, Shield Handles, Inscriptions, etc) are only on NEW Elonian weapons. They did not retroactively update Tyrian and Canthan weapons with these components (and rightly so, because alot of people had alot of weapons on hand ready to just salvage off [or on] the mods)
As for your other question, the handles ARE NOT inscriptions.
A Shield can Hold:
1 Shield Handle
1 Inscription (Only if it has an inscription slot)
But remember, these only effect NEW elonian dropped shields. You cannot go back and mod your Tyrian and Canthan dropped shields!
As for your other question, the handles ARE NOT inscriptions.
A Shield can Hold:
1 Shield Handle
1 Inscription (Only if it has an inscription slot)
But remember, these only effect NEW elonian dropped shields. You cannot go back and mod your Tyrian and Canthan dropped shields!
Perfect explaination, thx!
thx for the explanation i was wondering my self why i couldnt slavage inscriptions off my sword anyway supppose i should go order my nightfall