some NF shields changed to Para attributes only?
Fox Reeveheart
I remember during the preview that I first saw the scarabshell aegis and it required either strength or tactics (forget which one) but it wasnt command or motivation!
so i ask, since then have some shields like that been changed to command/motivation only?
so i ask, since then have some shields like that been changed to command/motivation only?
Fox Reeveheart
errrr because I would like to buy them for my warrior =p duh, and i dont have nightfall so i dont have access to motivation/command
Poison Ivy
Try searching on Guild Wiki first.
Stealthy Trapper
speaking of shields...whats the deal with salvaging shields....can only Elonian shields be salvaged for mods like +30 hp handles? Can I acquire a +30 mod and add it to my Tyrian eternal shield? Is it only elonian shields that this update affects? Any ideas?
Only Elonian shields.
Stealthy Trapper
so you can't upgrade shields from other campaigns with the elonian upgrade items?
I think everyone knows this will be a universal thing soon enough...
All Tyrian and Canthan weapons shields will be converted to this new system!
All Tyrian and Canthan weapons shields will be converted to this new system!
Stealthy Trapper
Yeah I certainly hope so. ANet is definitely good about getting you all excited something new and then when it finally comes it seems that you are always excluded in some way.

Fox Reeveheart
when did this turn into a shield handle discussion? O.o
Back on topic of this thread, i know i saw strength/tactics shields that are now called motivation/command only since the release, but guild wiki can always be wrong, remember its USER submitted stuff.
Anyone around here seen anything like a scarabshell aegis for strength/tactics?
Back on topic of this thread, i know i saw strength/tactics shields that are now called motivation/command only since the release, but guild wiki can always be wrong, remember its USER submitted stuff.
Anyone around here seen anything like a scarabshell aegis for strength/tactics?
The only scarabshell That I have seen that wasnt a motivation or command requirement was a n00b green called Hassins Shell
It had no requirement at all but was only 10ac, no bonuses either Im afraid.
It had no requirement at all but was only 10ac, no bonuses either Im afraid.