Ok, im posting this in the middle of a mission because i cant take it any more
My Hero is just too dumb.
I equiped him with Air Attunament and Elemental Attunamet and some other attack skills (so that he could use his skills with not much dificulty), but there is one thing... he only uses the Air/Ele Att. when he is running low on energy ¬¬.
Its justs eats me to see him casting Lighting Hammer at the moment we engage the enemy... oh my god.
So please, fix/add this and make them use skills that mantain his energy correctly
Quick Issue/Complain
Not A Fifty Five
XD the trick is click his button and do the skills for him. Hell I've double monked before its fun as hell
In your case you could also just run ether prodigy -.-
In your case you could also just run ether prodigy -.-
Equip skills to the left of his skillbar and he uses them more frequently than those on the right.