I browsed over the ideas thread at the top of the forums and I couldn't see this so...
Wouldn't it be great if you could Shift-Click (or some other button combo) on an item and it would come up in the Chat (exactly like WoW) where you can look at the items stats, name etc. perhaps even an icon. Then people wouldn't have to, although they probably would anyway, spam up the channel with caps or symbols trying to get people's attention. Instead, they can just Shift-Click an item.
Potential buyers can also check the item out before they buy and don't have to waste time opening a Trade Window to look at something.
Items in Trade Chat
why not in a town, ctrl+click the item in your inventory and it'd automatically come up in the trade chat with WTS... I'd love that, with the item colors aswell, so WTS [color=purple]firey dragon sword of whatever[/color] and so on. And you choose price.
Cow Tale
yes lets make all games identical!
Originally Posted by Cow Tale
yes lets make all games identical!
A ctrl/shift click would be a great idea. I loved that feature in other online games and it made selling/buying easier since you could see what the item was before having to chat with the person.
Everbeen to Droks, or KC when it's packed and people spamming WTS. Now imagne instead of one line going fast. Having a pic and a whole text in their. Going really fast.
Maybe have a WTS browser or something?
This is how it'd work:
The player wanting to sell somehting SHIFT/CTRL/ALT/whatever+CLICKs the item, maybe select a price, which then goes into a kind of browser thing, which you could open with, let's say, J, where other players can look at all the items up for sale, ordered by type/etc. (e.g. Category: Weapon. type: Bow)
Also it might be possible for buyers to set up a WTB in the browser, say be able to choose Weapon -> Bow and add notes to it (maybe checkboxes for common things like Max Damage?)
This would really set GW above other games in terms of Trade usability.
[EDIT] The way I meant it was primarily that the shop/browser is for the Outpost and District you are in.
This is how it'd work:
The player wanting to sell somehting SHIFT/CTRL/ALT/whatever+CLICKs the item, maybe select a price, which then goes into a kind of browser thing, which you could open with, let's say, J, where other players can look at all the items up for sale, ordered by type/etc. (e.g. Category: Weapon. type: Bow)
Also it might be possible for buyers to set up a WTB in the browser, say be able to choose Weapon -> Bow and add notes to it (maybe checkboxes for common things like Max Damage?)
This would really set GW above other games in terms of Trade usability.
[EDIT] The way I meant it was primarily that the shop/browser is for the Outpost and District you are in.
I think u are totaly right as to putting item refences in the chat
(theyr descriptions are serverside and logged anyway not on item so it would not couse lag for even the litelest bit) your item is a a#104_HH7 with a bG#238_XXX inscription and a Ws#N6_67 upgrade damage and so on are not on the object adn there for do not take up date stream in the chat box. In fact a#104_HH7(bG#238_XXX,Ws#N6_67) is less characters than Imoerta Longbow of Ocra-Permonition. Natuarly the codes would be replaced with item name and color that is calculated from the codes.
However the combo Button+click aproach WoW uses is crappy, I'd prefer just draging and dropping it into chat box. allowing other players to see a mouse over reference or a popup in clicked. I like the function a lot in other games and would like to see it in gw as well. also make the function only usable tin the trade channel it migh finally keep the WTS spammers out of the public channels.
Also the teamcall for "I am weilding a Shiro's Orange and Gray chop sticks" should have a mouse over or clickable reference.
PS I would like, as a aditional improvement to buying and selling a playershop system as part of your bank you put in items you WTS with a price and you can check what people are selling(posibly depending on the town or outpost you are in at the time and definatly cheking if luxon or kursic players are not buying eachothers items)
A auction system could work too, though I have fears regarding its implementation.
(theyr descriptions are serverside and logged anyway not on item so it would not couse lag for even the litelest bit) your item is a a#104_HH7 with a bG#238_XXX inscription and a Ws#N6_67 upgrade damage and so on are not on the object adn there for do not take up date stream in the chat box. In fact a#104_HH7(bG#238_XXX,Ws#N6_67) is less characters than Imoerta Longbow of Ocra-Permonition. Natuarly the codes would be replaced with item name and color that is calculated from the codes.
However the combo Button+click aproach WoW uses is crappy, I'd prefer just draging and dropping it into chat box. allowing other players to see a mouse over reference or a popup in clicked. I like the function a lot in other games and would like to see it in gw as well. also make the function only usable tin the trade channel it migh finally keep the WTS spammers out of the public channels.
Also the teamcall for "I am weilding a Shiro's Orange and Gray chop sticks" should have a mouse over or clickable reference.
PS I would like, as a aditional improvement to buying and selling a playershop system as part of your bank you put in items you WTS with a price and you can check what people are selling(posibly depending on the town or outpost you are in at the time and definatly cheking if luxon or kursic players are not buying eachothers items)
A auction system could work too, though I have fears regarding its implementation.
I see, System_crush, that we had the same/simialr idea