I was in sunward marches today, exploring the surroundings when we got attacked by a group of mobs, I was able to retreat but Melonni died while she was in the bhaltazaar form. So when i resurrected her, the Avater of Bhaltazaar icon was gone on her effects monitor but she still looked like the Avater of Bhaltazaar. I also noticed that the +40 amour and the 33% speed was gone.
for screenie chek the attachment
Wierd Melonni bug
Shadow Kurd
That is so wierd. Every time Melonni dies in avatar form she gets kicked out of it for me. Even if she dies from disease or poison. It's too bad you couldn't see what was happening in the battle at that time. I'm curious how it happened.
Did she stay that way until you zoned?
Did she stay that way until you zoned?
Shadow Kurd
Yeah, she did. Even when she used the form again she woudnt change back
This kinda sounds like you have a corupted data file. Try to run Check Disc that may find and fix it. Also defrag your hard drive, as an extreme fix uninstall Guild Wars completely then make sure everything that says Guild Wars is removed, than reinstall.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
I doubt she's still in that form if you go out into an explorable area agin after an outpost... unless I misunderstood
Shadow Kurd
She was back to normal after i got in/out outpost
So no reason to disk check and do all that stuff. I'd report it to ANet though