Hero + your custom weapon = ?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

the patch message stated that weapons customized for your character can be used by your heros of that character but do they do the +20% damage then too?

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

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Yes, I beleive so. It would be odd that a Hero would be allowed to hold the weap but not get the benefits of customisation.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

Rogues to Riches

Has anyone tested this on the Isle of the Nameless? In principle, a hero should kill the Suits of Armor 20% faster with a customized weapon.

Muk Utep

Muk Utep

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

Heroes can use weapons that you've customized, and since the +20% damage becomes part of the weapons stats and apparently are not technically linked to the fact that the weapon is customized, I would assume they get the benefit. It would be different if it had said "Customized for Whoever (+20% damage)".

Originally Posted by The Pointless
It would be odd that a Hero would be allowed to hold the weap but not get the benefits of customisation.
From a realism point of view (which you can't often count on in GW) it actually makes sense that they wouldn't. The weapon is customized for you, not for Koss or whoever, so common sense would say that they shouldn't get the benefit. I believe they do, though.

Ashleigh McMahon

Ashleigh McMahon

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I tend to agree with Muk-Although I would hate having to buy weapons especially for my heroes to get max damage output, then later realising that I need to use the weapon.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lunar Templars


Since nobody claimed to have run a test, did a quick test myself.

Obtained two identical flatbows from the collector outside of Port Sledge. Customized one, left the other uncustomized. Went to Isle of the Nameless and had Acolyte Jin take out the line of practice dummies by the Master of Combat, once with the customized bow and once with the non-customized bow. In both cases, most of her skills were disabled so only direct damage from the bow itself was tested.

For the customized bow, 64 shots were needed to dispatch the four dummies. The uncustomized bow required 76 shots. That is close to what would be expected if the customized bow was receiving a +20% bonus.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by Villager
Since nobody claimed to have run a test, did a quick test myself.

Obtained two identical flatbows from the collector outside of Port Sledge. Customized one, left the other uncustomized. Went to Isle of the Nameless and had Acolyte Jin take out the line of practice dummies by the Master of Combat, once with the customized bow and once with the non-customized bow. In both cases, most of her skills were disabled so only direct damage from the bow itself was tested.

For the customized bow, 64 shots were needed to dispatch the four dummies. The uncustomized bow required 76 shots. That is close to what would be expected if the customized bow was receiving a +20% bonus.
Thats impressive research. Mathematically it should have taken 63 shots to kill the four dummies (76 / 1.2) it is close enough for an inexat experiment.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



I ran a more controlled test several weeks after Nightfall release. I used 2 15^50
axes, one customized, 16 axe mastery, 0 strength, and Wild Blow. Wild Blow always results in a critical hit, so it will always deal the same damage. I entered a guild scrimmage with Koss, and locked his target on my guildie, and ran him back and forth, only using Wild Blow to hit. After recording the numbers, the customized weapon dealt exactly 20% more damage.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



good job on the testing guys, glad to see hero battles wont be gimped in the statistical part of the game :P


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

Rogues to Riches

Big thanks to MisterB and Villager for sharing the test results. I was too lazy to do that myself!