Make any joining member of a party auto-kick there hero's when they join.
Add a kick all hero's/npc button (less party leaders if possible, if not all hero's)
Give the ability to allow/disallow other members (all yes or no) to add hero's back to the party.
I do love Hero's but would like to see more control by the party leader that's all.
Party Leader More control over Hero's Joining
Well I don't see the point of needing the party leader to have dictatorship over the entire party. For one, taking a PUG-player with their heros contradicts the point of having heros in the first place. If a guild/alliance/friend is joining you, they should know, or you should tell them, to kick whichever heros in their party before merging.
Just tell the player with the heroes "kick the heroes or I kick you"