Hi i'm new

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Hi guys and girls I’m new to GW and decided to try GW with Nightfall.. And i have to tell you guys I LOVE THE GAME, particularly i had so much fun yesterday obeying the king. .. He rules by the way. Anyway i have few questions.

1. How come GW doesn't let you sell stuff like other MMORPG? like opening up a personal store to sell items
2. What is farming? Does it have the same meaning as other MMORPG where you grind for money?
3.Do you get a 20-slot item bag again in the game or you just stuck with 5 slots bags? And how do i take out those 5 slots bags once they are occupied.

Thanx guys.. Great to be here!!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

1. Maybe in the future.

2. Farming = hunting critters for loot. Often solo but maybe with 1 or more other players. Henchies and heroes take their fair share of loot so it is best not to farm with them if you can avoid it.

3. Belt pouch = 5 slots.
2 bags = 5 slots initially but apply a rune of holding to each to double them. That is all the personal storage you get.

Add to that the account's storage, visit the Xunlai agent if you haven't already. Each character needs to pay to open up both the general storage and the materials storage.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Welcome to GW and hope to see you buying Prophecies and Factions soon

1- There is no auction house in GW. Its an ongoing project and no one knows when it will be implemented.
The way to sell stuff is by spamming WTS in major towns.

2- Yes farming is basically killing the same monsters over and over to get money.

3- You start with your backpack with has 20 slots.
You then get a quest and they give you a belt. that has 5 slots.
You can later buy a 2 bags that have 5 slots each and upgrade then with a rune of holding for an additional 5 slots each.

Backpack - 20 slots
Belt - 5 slots
Bag - 10 slots with the rune of holding
Bag - 10 slots with the rune of holding

You can empty the bag you want and then drag it on to an empty slot in the inventory. And yes, you cannot drag it when its full to take advantage of more space.

Fun facts - you can color your inventory bags, belts and backpack.

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

boxterduke and DeanBB thanx guys for the quick reply.. learned a lot just by reading what you guys wrote


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Welcome to the wonderful Guild Wars universe.
1: Online trade at this time is limited to advertising a product in a district and having individuals view and perhaps purchase. Hopefully that will change in the future.
2. Farming - killing the same thing(s) over and over again to aquire gold and items.
3. The belt pouch is limited to 5 slots, however the two 5 slot bags can be expanded with a rune of holding to 10 slots. You can buy a rune of holding from a merchant or use 3 of your comendations to trade for one from the inner quartermaster in the Sunspear Great Hall. Bags can only be removed and put in storage or another bag/backpack only if they are empty. No filling a bag and putting it in another bag and putting that bag in another bag...

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by ikepdx
Welcome to the wonderful Guild Wars universe.
1: Online trade at this time is limited to advertising a product in a district and having individuals view and perhaps purchase. Hopefully that will change in the future.
2. Farming - killing the same thing(s) over and over again to aquire gold and items.
3. The belt pouch is limited to 5 slots, however the two 5 slot bags can be expanded with a rune of holding to 10 slots. You can buy a rune of holding from a merchant or use 3 of your comendations to trade for one from the inner quartermaster in the Sunspear Great Hall. Bags can only be removed and put in storage or another bag/backpack only if they are empty. No filling a bag and putting it in another bag and putting that bag in another bag...
Awesome Thanx ikepdx



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


If you get any individual valuable items, you may want to put them up on the auction section here (link at the top of the page). You may have more chance of getting a buyer and a better price than trade-spamming a single district. Have fun

teh blink

teh blink

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Belton, Missouri

Well all of them people above basiclly answered your questions. Welcome to Guild Wars!

Sergio Leone

Sergio Leone

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Dallas, TX

The International Terrorists [USA]


Welcome to the game man. If you need any PvE help I can give a little assistance and TONS of others here can, just ask or message them in-game.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Guild wars is balanced so that someone who farmed for hours doesnt have a major advantage over you (weapons, armour)

They(Anet) are always balancing skills and such, and they are always hiting farming hard.

So in my opinion it would be better for you to just enjoy the game and dont grind for money too much, or it will get boring, and you shouldnt be geting bored so soon since you are new at guildwars.

You can get most things in a cheaper way ( armour, weapons) , the only thing different will usually be their skin(you know, the graphics of things), so you can still be as good as anyone else even if they have a better looking armour (much much more expensive) than yours (which by the way can have the exact same stats, just different better apearence)

Same for the weapons, you can find colector weapons with good things in them, trow a mod or two in them and make them as good as any green(Greens are weapons with a generally unique skin and always the same perfect stats)

Your new here, dont waste your gold. ^___^
Hope this helps you.

Welcome to Guild Wars.

Shadow of Light

Shadow of Light

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006



Welcome to Guild Wars!

Where Xunlai storage is concerned, just remember you can only activate the Materials storage (for cloth, tanned hides etc) in Factions and Nightfall. Like general storage, you have to activage it for each of your characters.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006



I think they have allowed it so you can add mat storage in Lion's Arch and some Tyrian cities aswell. That's what I read from the update list anyway. Welcome to GW! Dont be afraid to pm in-game (ischuros almsbane) if you have any other questions.

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by boxterduke
The way to sell stuff is by spamming WTS in major towns.
Or, if you want to save time, get better prices, and ... last but not least... be less annoying to others:


Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

You guys are awesome! best MMO forum ive ever been on!
Thanx for all the valuable info i will keep them in mind while i play..

Thanx again!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2007


great stuff. im new too. these threads have helped a lot.

i havent figured out how to use my prophecies chars inside the factions world?


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by adamg
great stuff. im new too. these threads have helped a lot.

i havent figured out how to use my prophecies chars inside the factions world?
Welcome to GW. Once you get your Prophecies character to Lion's Arch (not too far along in the story-line), you'll have access to a quest that will take you there.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



First thing - Necroposting is baed. And not using search button.

Alex Morningstar

Alex Morningstar

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Team Asshat [Hat] leader - [GR] Alliance


Spelling the word bad as baed, is bad. Use dictionary.com or proper English, take your pick.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



Plz don't use teh Internet Alex, you phail lmao ;[