Guild wars is balanced so that someone who farmed for hours doesnt have a major advantage over you (weapons, armour)
They(Anet) are always balancing skills and such, and they are always hiting farming hard.
So in my opinion it would be better for you to just enjoy the game and dont grind for money too much, or it will get boring, and you shouldnt be geting bored so soon since you are new at guildwars.
You can get most things in a cheaper way ( armour, weapons) , the only thing different will usually be their skin(you know, the graphics of things), so you can still be as good as anyone else even if they have a better looking armour (much much more expensive) than yours (which by the way can have the exact same stats, just different better apearence)
Same for the weapons, you can find colector weapons with good things in them, trow a mod or two in them and make them as good as any green(Greens are weapons with a generally unique skin and always the same perfect stats)
Your new here, dont waste your gold. ^___^
Hope this helps you.
Welcome to Guild Wars.