How do you know if a weapon is able to have an inscription? I was trying to apply a +5 energy inscription to my sword and it won't let me. Pleas help.
I believe the only weapons/shields/focii/etc that can have inscription's applied to them will have "Inscriptions: None" on them. If you hover your mouse over them and don't see that, I don't believe you can put inscription's on them.
Inscriptions:none means it can be inscribed old cantha and tyria weps can not take inscriptions
skreet preacha
so if u wanted to change the inscription on an item, you would have to extract the current inscription first, then put the new inscription on? did i get that right?
Nope. Inscriptions work the same way current mods work.. apply to a weapon/shield/focii/etc and it will replace the current one
If a weapon/shield/focii/etc has an inscription on it and you want a new one on it.. just apply as normal.. it will ask you if you want to put it on and replace your current inscription.. click yes and the old inscription will get replaced with the new one.
If a weapon/shield/focii/etc has an inscription on it and you want a new one on it.. just apply as normal.. it will ask you if you want to put it on and replace your current inscription.. click yes and the old inscription will get replaced with the new one.