Chest Runners R Us

Tutis Evito

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006


Incredible Edible Bookah [YUM]


Ok, just a quick question that i've been mulling over....

Does chest running pay for itself... i mean if you pay 600gp for a 'high end' key ...or 480/500gp if you have connections ... will it pay for itself with the drops you get...

What's the view on the expericned chest runners?




Join Date: Oct 2006

It will pay for itself and over in the long run.

im here

im here

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


i used to chest run all the time but now it seems to me i dont gain anything u start losing money then ull get a good drop and when u sell it it evens u back to not gaining or losing anything so now i just do normal runs but sometimes if we have favor ill do fow cr just for fun

Tutis Evito

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006


Incredible Edible Bookah [YUM]


thats what i thought...

My Passion

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


chest running for low quality chests is a key for 250 and sell gold unid for 1k...or more if you get a great mod on that low quality weapon.



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by -.-
It will pay for itself and over in the long run.
ya when people were paying 60+k for UNid GPB make a good 200+k. the few i have left i can't even sell for 20k =(

so ya it does pay off but over a long period of time. oh well off to nightfall high end chest running.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Giggity Giggity Goo

Until nightfall came out chest running was profitable. You always broke even at least on keys after selling unids, mods, the occasional good weapon etc. However one of the changes made with nightfall was to make the chests random for everyone again. In other words if someone opens it and it's gold, it won't necessarily be gold for the next person as it used to be.

I find this to be a tremendous shame because the old system encouraged chest running with a group of people to share the cost/risk of opening each chest with. People at Imperial Sanctum for instance used to do so many runs that they got to know each other, some even joined each others' guilds. Our guild used to do it all the time together (and we still could but there's just not much point now). Now that there is no incentive to run with other people, everyone will do it by themself. I think it's a step backwards from Anet's goal of bringing people together to play the game.

Sorry to sidetrack your thread mate, but the changes made are relevant to your op because they have made chest running LESS affordable. However if you can afford to open 100 chests before you get something that recoups your money then it can still be worthwhile. If not, then it's just gambling really.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


I say chest running WAS profitable, and now it is screwed because of the randomness in the chest. Well, if you don't mind getting purps then you're fine...

Anyways Sooty I'm Talon Stonesplitter and I've been at Imperial for a while I think I remember your name...

Remember Cruel Bows? He's a french leecher

Kais Unduli

Kais Unduli

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Room V

It pays itself off over time, but if you just do it occasionally then it's not worth it. I myself have only picked a few worthwhile drops over several characters, but I know some people get some nice drops because they're persistent with their chest running.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Giggity Giggity Goo

Your name rings a bell too Talon...don't remember that particular leecher but there were a few.

It sort of proves my point though doesn't it about the social aspects of chest running. I hope they reverse this latest change.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Chest running is just a money sink now.

Back when chests were keyless it could be considerd profitable to run chests but these days I'd call it more of a past time then anything else.

In short, if you have money to burn then go ahead, if you are on a budget avoid chests.