not many of my characters like any of the elonian armors ---my monks, necro, and rit (though I would like to see the head piece for the vabbi armor before I make a final decision) arent getting anything new with the exception of maybe a new head/face tat/scar.
My paragon has many choices----she wants:
15k sunspear for top and skirt
vabbi for the gloves
ancient for the shoes....
dye---whatever I currently have in stock in quantity (probably yellow got that from the dye quest

my 2 eles----
15k sunspear, dyed to match the rest of my armors, a greyish blue, though I might go for a nice sapphire blue since I dont have to deal with the base color anymore!
elonian ele
-no idea yet, though I want to get a different set for her so I can tell her from her tyrian cousin (maybe ancient?).
my mesmers.....
tyrian mes wants all of the sets, but is going to settle for:
reg sunspear dress dyed red+blue (got this one already)
15k sunspear set dyed likewise
vabbi set ---dyed with ???? (will make a decision when I play with my dyes, though a bronze or peach would be nice.....we'll see what the dye mixes will allow)
will try for the ancient armor set or primevil set (minus pants) dyed purple! (but not red +blue)...have been trying to match the color of the skills to her armor.....(this will take some time since she is still on the starter island of cantha trying to be a survivor).
guess its a good thing none of my other characters like their armors with 2 eles and 2 mesmers wanting to go shopping!