drunkard title must benefit the title holder
I started drinking absinthe and witch's brew and i said to myself "hey how would you like to try a drunkard title?". And because of that i bought a lot of booze and gained a title.. and then.. I tried to look for level two of drunkard title and it said i would need 10,000 minutes..
wow, 9k more minutes of drinking and ill get to level 2!.. but wait.. wow i have to spend about 1800000 gold for that..
what i want is:
make drunkard title into three levels OR give the drunkard title holder a discount on buying dwarven ale/rice wine...
wow, 9k more minutes of drinking and ill get to level 2!.. but wait.. wow i have to spend about 1800000 gold for that..
what i want is:
make drunkard title into three levels OR give the drunkard title holder a discount on buying dwarven ale/rice wine...
Neo Nugget
I agree.Similar to the balthasaur faction one.2k points for the glad title increases the cap. I think friend of the kurzicks/luxons would be good too. Drunkard i bet would make people very happy.
How about a PvE bonus when drunk? +5% damage while drunk per level of the title!
Sli Ander
The final level can be "Drunken Master": gives a bigger combat bonus, with a dodge bonus added in....
"Drunken Master"
PvE effect, conditions expire 20% sooner on you.
Reason: Your body has adapted to countering the effects of ale! Thus your countering-ablities are greater for other conditions!
"Drunken Master"
PvE title based skill, Dutch Courage!
Drink one ale/ricewine/grog player gains +3 health recovery!
I like the idea to make ale cheaper for what level your at!
PvE effect, conditions expire 20% sooner on you.
Reason: Your body has adapted to countering the effects of ale! Thus your countering-ablities are greater for other conditions!
"Drunken Master"
PvE title based skill, Dutch Courage!
Drink one ale/ricewine/grog player gains +3 health recovery!
I like the idea to make ale cheaper for what level your at!
Not A Fifty Five
yeah max drunkard title, even if beer was free, is still 10,000 minutes. Thats being drunk for over 120 hours. 120 HOURS!!! it woud be very cool to have it give a combat boost for PvE only while drunk. Simply because the boost would probably counter the having your monsters be all swirly and stuff >.<
pve bonus *Drunken Master* While fighting intoxicated you have 15% chance to evade attacks for every rank in Drunkard.
This just had to happen. Introducing these boni for titles was the single worst idea of the update (which otherwise was quite good):
The great idea of no rewards for farming/a game for casual players (giving farmers only better looks, not better stats) goes down the drain. And now people come up with ever worse ideas to reward brainless inventory clicking instead of real playing.
- Xeeron
The great idea of no rewards for farming/a game for casual players (giving farmers only better looks, not better stats) goes down the drain. And now people come up with ever worse ideas to reward brainless inventory clicking instead of real playing.
- Xeeron
Yay for Drunken Style Fighters.
DOA. >.>
DOA. >.>
also, why is rice wine 400gold, while the shiverpeaks beer is 200 ?
The Pointless
I'd rather just have the price drop.
If anything you should not get PvE buffs by getting wrecked.
Originally Posted by TV ad in the UK
Drink makes you feel invincible when you're the most vunerable
I kinda like the idea seeing as my warrior is at Drunkard LVL 4 so far and still going (gonna max that title yet). Give the ones who max this title a evasion bonus, or at least make them immune to certian conditions. That would be cool. By the way LVL 4 is 4000+ minutes drunk.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
/signed for diconted alcohal
/unsigned for PvE bonus
I do think they should add SOME kind of effect to more of the titles
/unsigned for PvE bonus
I do think they should add SOME kind of effect to more of the titles
Jongo River
How about - In outposts, the higher your level, the more chance your character will black-out while drinking and wake-up in another outpost?
Or maybe they could wake up in a random locations, including the Underworld - i.e. free entry to UW (except the price of the ale), but hungover and alone.

Or maybe they could wake up in a random locations, including the Underworld - i.e. free entry to UW (except the price of the ale), but hungover and alone.
I'd like to see the remainder 9k minutes in this title count divided into another 2 or 3 levels.
But remember things that require 10k or anything is probably something to be worked on in the long term. 120 hours it takes to get the max title. But if you did an hour at a time, that's 120 days worth. Do it every few days, and it's a year in real time.
Just don't think about the title every time you play. Just enjoy the trippy visual effects of being drunk. Of course people will look at a title count and start thinking about the max level right away. But if you just pace yourselves, you'll see that the work towards them will last longer. What fun would it be if you could get all the max titles so soon?
What I'd also like to see is a drunken icon appear when you're drunk. GW Wiki details a 6 levels of drunkenness and explains at which level you gain minutes towards the title. When you use a stance or are enchanted or hexed in battle, you see the icon. I'd like to see one that shows the drunkenness level, so you can be sure which level you're at. Infact, have the thing blink when it's about to go down a level so we know exactly when to double click another drink to keep the count going.
Or how about a dunkenness meter that appears, sorta like the health meter, that shows the levels?
But remember things that require 10k or anything is probably something to be worked on in the long term. 120 hours it takes to get the max title. But if you did an hour at a time, that's 120 days worth. Do it every few days, and it's a year in real time.
Just don't think about the title every time you play. Just enjoy the trippy visual effects of being drunk. Of course people will look at a title count and start thinking about the max level right away. But if you just pace yourselves, you'll see that the work towards them will last longer. What fun would it be if you could get all the max titles so soon?
What I'd also like to see is a drunken icon appear when you're drunk. GW Wiki details a 6 levels of drunkenness and explains at which level you gain minutes towards the title. When you use a stance or are enchanted or hexed in battle, you see the icon. I'd like to see one that shows the drunkenness level, so you can be sure which level you're at. Infact, have the thing blink when it's about to go down a level so we know exactly when to double click another drink to keep the count going.
Or how about a dunkenness meter that appears, sorta like the health meter, that shows the levels?
Guys, i agree that other titles coul have rewards, but not att/def/evade/etc. bonuses!
All those titles without rewards are just sinks! Time sinks, money sinks....
If you really want rewards, than how about this?
Drunkard - while equipped your char has a different moving animation (looks like a drunk person movin)
Explorer titles - hard to think of....maybe 5% faster movement on the continent you explored ? (example, 70% cantha explored, 10% faster moving in cantha)
Protector titles - when equipped, allows to use a new command, /protector. the command, when used, will show a small golden picture, just like /fame shows animals (but the picture will be different for each continent)
Lucky/Unlucky - even harder to think off.....maybe /luck with a fourleaf clover/upsidedown horseshoe ?
All those titles without rewards are just sinks! Time sinks, money sinks....
If you really want rewards, than how about this?
Drunkard - while equipped your char has a different moving animation (looks like a drunk person movin)
Explorer titles - hard to think of....maybe 5% faster movement on the continent you explored ? (example, 70% cantha explored, 10% faster moving in cantha)
Protector titles - when equipped, allows to use a new command, /protector. the command, when used, will show a small golden picture, just like /fame shows animals (but the picture will be different for each continent)
Lucky/Unlucky - even harder to think off.....maybe /luck with a fourleaf clover/upsidedown horseshoe ?
No bonus for Drunkard title. Or if any bonus at all, it should cost your more beer to get drunk, the more you drink, the more it takes to get drunk.
A "You're this drunk bar" or a "You're Intoxicated Icon" would be great.
Random town ports after passing out, neat idea, just no entry to elite mission areas, hoping your solo build gets a free pass into the UW.
But no, no bonus, if anything, drunkeness should garnish a penalty in PvE
If you were drunk in RL, your vision, reaction, movement, speach, thought process all get blurred, slowed down, slurred, or stopped. How do your figure you hit harder in combat? I've been in bar fights numerous times, the best was with this 6'8" heavily built pro wrestler looking guy, and I'm skinny.
So naturally, you thick headed retards think you can kick everyone's butt that is skinny (Ha! I pay a monthly fee to practice martial arts and get beat on by big guys 5 days a week, bring it on). Anyway their was a slightly soggy roll of toilet paper on the bar. When the meat head started his fight, i threw the roll of toilet paper at his head, which connected. This caused his balance to fail and then staggers at running pace into a concrete wall -- lights out! Imagine having to live that down. Dude, that litltle tiny skinny guy knocked your as* out with a roll of toilet paper.
True Story
See no bonus for PvE for this title.
A "You're this drunk bar" or a "You're Intoxicated Icon" would be great.
Random town ports after passing out, neat idea, just no entry to elite mission areas, hoping your solo build gets a free pass into the UW.
But no, no bonus, if anything, drunkeness should garnish a penalty in PvE
If you were drunk in RL, your vision, reaction, movement, speach, thought process all get blurred, slowed down, slurred, or stopped. How do your figure you hit harder in combat? I've been in bar fights numerous times, the best was with this 6'8" heavily built pro wrestler looking guy, and I'm skinny.
So naturally, you thick headed retards think you can kick everyone's butt that is skinny (Ha! I pay a monthly fee to practice martial arts and get beat on by big guys 5 days a week, bring it on). Anyway their was a slightly soggy roll of toilet paper on the bar. When the meat head started his fight, i threw the roll of toilet paper at his head, which connected. This caused his balance to fail and then staggers at running pace into a concrete wall -- lights out! Imagine having to live that down. Dude, that litltle tiny skinny guy knocked your as* out with a roll of toilet paper.
True Story
See no bonus for PvE for this title.
I agree with penalties and/or limited performance if you're drunk in an explorable area. I'm sure this would take a while for the programmers to add though. But maybe if they can get creative with it, if they want to.
The drunken meter idea I'm sure they can do. There's already some kind of drunkenness level programmed into the game, which we can see and estimate from the visual effects we see when drunk. I'm sure they can come up with a meter that directly works with this.
And the idea of appearing in other outposts, it can be limited to the ones you have on your maps. I'm sure they won't let new characters in Ascalon get beer from their storage and hope to drunk-map to Urgoz or Dragon's Lair.
The drunken meter idea I'm sure they can do. There's already some kind of drunkenness level programmed into the game, which we can see and estimate from the visual effects we see when drunk. I'm sure they can come up with a meter that directly works with this.
And the idea of appearing in other outposts, it can be limited to the ones you have on your maps. I'm sure they won't let new characters in Ascalon get beer from their storage and hope to drunk-map to Urgoz or Dragon's Lair.
Helios Skyfire
I think, if we're talking penalties for drunkeness, have it so when you use a skill or attack, it has a % chance to hit a different target within range - possibly including your own teammates... Make the tracking for projectiles much looser/slower/worse, add a % miss chance to melee. Make spells cost 5-10e more (Seriously - you're trying to muster up unseen forces of the ether/underworld while plastered? You're lucky you don't implode or something...).
50% extra lag and 15% chance of err7?

How about having difficulty walking in a straight line? Like the field tests police officers do with DUI arrests.
Or passing out, where you're down like you're dead but your health is still full. Of course it would leave you open for attack.
Or passing out, where you're down like you're dead but your health is still full. Of course it would leave you open for attack.
Dougal Kronik
I like the penalties for playing Drunk. 
But counter that by having a higher chance of a Green/Gold/Dye drop for the player while they are Drunk.
Call it Luck of the Irish.

But counter that by having a higher chance of a Green/Gold/Dye drop for the player while they are Drunk.
Call it Luck of the Irish.
Helios Skyfire
That's more than a little offensive...
The Pointless
Call it Luck of the Irish. |
Luck of the Dwarves?
starting group 1/8 max drunkards only for max blabla bonus
no thanks
keep in mind your doing it for free, its not like anyone forces you to buy it, and why would drinking really reward you? maybe have specials in towns, for example, running faster, or something, but something that would unbalance the game? nah
no thanks
keep in mind your doing it for free, its not like anyone forces you to buy it, and why would drinking really reward you? maybe have specials in towns, for example, running faster, or something, but something that would unbalance the game? nah

The suggested PvE bonuses are a little nuts. When I first heard about the bonuses for various titles I suggested to my guildies that they should have drunkards have Dazed wear off 20% sooner or something. That seems to make sense to me and it isn't overpowered either.
Jongo River
Surely a drinking bonus would be no different than a shrine bonus? You pay cash, you get a boost.
Doing it by drinking just makes it funnier.
Doing it by drinking just makes it funnier.

Originally Posted by Jongo River
How about - In outposts, the higher your level, the more chance your character will black-out while drinking and wake-up in another outpost?
![]() |

Sli Ander
Lampshade hat dance ftw!
How about a PvE only skill that causes you to get drunk (at least causes the effects of drinking, no extra minutes to the title), with no cost/recharge or anything of the sort?
Reward peoples big spending on booze with a bottomless sack of the stuff basically.
Reward peoples big spending on booze with a bottomless sack of the stuff basically.
i want a rank emote to rivel those pvp people
Fattest Of The Fat
Lets remember that it's about 166.666666 hours, not 120. Meaning that if you wasted an hour a day drunk, it would still take over 5 months. Ouch.
Not to mention, the cost is around two mil if you drink 4 to start and 1 more until you get the title. It only takes 1 ale to sustain the drunkness. It takes 4 to become drunk. I counted how much money it took to get the drunkard title- 294,800 gold. By the way- 1000 mins=16.6 hours (very doable)
Have fun.
Depending on how insane I feel though, I may decide to spend 2,948,000 gold on the next level though...
Just kidding.
Not to mention, the cost is around two mil if you drink 4 to start and 1 more until you get the title. It only takes 1 ale to sustain the drunkness. It takes 4 to become drunk. I counted how much money it took to get the drunkard title- 294,800 gold. By the way- 1000 mins=16.6 hours (very doable)
Have fun.
Depending on how insane I feel though, I may decide to spend 2,948,000 gold on the next level though...
Just kidding.
Daemon Dremora
Originally Posted by Skuld
50% extra lag and 15% chance of err7?
![]() |
i laughed pretty hard when i read this. i do like the idea however of having the price of alcohol being cheaper for every rank of the drunkard title. can you say a round of drinks for my friends over here. lol
Originally Posted by Daemon Dremora
i laughed pretty hard when i read this. i do like the idea however of having the price of alcohol being cheaper for every rank of the drunkard title. can you say a round of drinks for my friends over here. lol
Helios Skyfire
And - doing such, how long do you think it would take them to earn back the 3 million gold they spent getting the title? lol
I think there should be another checkbox next to the display one, if ticked, you have the drunk effect without drinking ale. also works in explorable areas.
Daemon Dremora
Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
The problem I see with the drinks being cheaper for drunkards and ale hounds is that they could turn around and sell them for more than they paid and less than someone with no title would pay...

*i make this reply not intending to hurt anyone who has had or has any personal interaction with any heavy drinkers and in no way possible do i mean any disrespect to anyone. i mean this soley as a humorous post.*
/signed for having something additional...
/unsigned for PvE bonus
/unsigned for PvE bonus
Perhaps Something like this:
Title LvL1: (addict): when selected, player has a random chance of gaining sugar rush in town or dropping down to his/her needs to beg for alcohol.
Title LvL2: (Liver damage): When selected, player has a random chance of becoming immume to posion for 5 seconds and dies or suffer sudden death instantaneously
Title LvL3: (brain damaged): when selected, player has a random chance of becoming immune to spells for 5 seconds or become dazed and crippled for 5s.
Title LvL1: (addict): when selected, player has a random chance of gaining sugar rush in town or dropping down to his/her needs to beg for alcohol.
Title LvL2: (Liver damage): When selected, player has a random chance of becoming immume to posion for 5 seconds and dies or suffer sudden death instantaneously
Title LvL3: (brain damaged): when selected, player has a random chance of becoming immune to spells for 5 seconds or become dazed and crippled for 5s.
shaolin mind trick
Originally Posted by Thallandor
Perhaps Something like this:
Title LvL1: (addict): when selected, player has a random chance of gaining sugar rush in town or dropping down to his/her needs to beg for alcohol. Title LvL2: (Liver damage): When selected, player has a random chance of becoming immume to posion for 5 seconds and dies or suffer sudden death instantaneously Title LvL3: (brain damaged): when selected, player has a random chance of becoming immune to spells for 5 seconds or become dazed and crippled for 5s. |
Warrior: Holy crap, our ranger just died and there are no enemies around here!
Mesmer: Woah, wtf happened??
Monk: Hmm, looks like cirrhosis.
How about some 'realistic' drunkard affects:
-When salvaging, a 25% chance you will accidentally salvage an item beside the intended target.
-Some how make the tattoo armor at crafters look really awsome while drunk, then hideous when sober.
-When calling targets, your text will appear in 'Bork! Bork! Bork!'
-Alternate /beg emote (classic 'wino reaching up from the gutter pose')
-Vomit animation? One of my favorite things about Fable, though I can see where some would think it tasteless.
-When attacking, 25% to attack a random target rather then the selected target.
-When casting spells, 25% chance to cast a random spell from your skillbar.