NF Skill Aquisition
I admit I haven't gotten too far, I'm to Blacktide Den and have yet to see any new skills! Wtf? I have to unlock them all from faction? Please tell me this is not the case.
it is not the case, you get access to them throughout the mainland
The mainland.. any idea how much longer it takes from the point I'm at?
Pevil Lihatuh
It's not much further, if you ignore side quests, once you've done Blacktide den you have maybe... 4 more main quests then a mission and you're over there. The quests are quite short; I'm currently on the mission and you'll want to be lvl 20 before you attempt that, I'm not finding it too friendly at lvl 16.
Thom Bangalter
Actually, I did it on a paragon and I was fine on that mission to go the mainland at level 16, just try upgrade your armor with collector stuff beforehand, the collectable drops don't take too long (unless you're loaded, then just buy armor--I'm trying to play through the game on my paragon without spending any of my saved platinum until I can get the armor I want).
Unfortunately, if you're talking about skill quests, there are none to be found. You can unlock things using hero skill points, but any additional skills you'll have to buy from a skill trainer. He'll offer more and more as you progress, but if you really want to unlock something you can grind RA for 1k faction and unlock a skill at any skill trainer.
Still, sucks that ANet isn't handing out skills like candy like they did with phrophecies.
Unfortunately, if you're talking about skill quests, there are none to be found. You can unlock things using hero skill points, but any additional skills you'll have to buy from a skill trainer. He'll offer more and more as you progress, but if you really want to unlock something you can grind RA for 1k faction and unlock a skill at any skill trainer.
Still, sucks that ANet isn't handing out skills like candy like they did with phrophecies.
I'm almost level 15 and have yet to see a single new skill.. =\
I was hoping I would see some when I levelrd more, or with more Sunspear rank, but so far those hopes have been dashed. I have been farming RA, and I'm kinda mad that I have to in order to play the damn game. Or I guess I could use the same skillset for 20 levels...
I was hoping I would see some when I levelrd more, or with more Sunspear rank, but so far those hopes have been dashed. I have been farming RA, and I'm kinda mad that I have to in order to play the damn game. Or I guess I could use the same skillset for 20 levels...

Tetris L
Err? I don't get it. There are skill trainers in Istan that sell Nightfall specific skills. There is one in Kamadan and/or Sunspear Great Hall. Go and check! (I'd look it up for you, but GuildWiki is down.

I think he was wondering whether you get them like you did in Prophecies (quest rewards) or Factions (buy them).
I definately prefer the Prophecies method.
I definately prefer the Prophecies method.
You have to buy them, there are no quests with skills as rewards.
Originally Posted by CtrlAltDel
You have to buy them, there are no quests with skills as rewards.
Faction's had the same aspect iirc. You got a few skilsl for each profession from the prefession trainers when you were doing the profession quest's.. and that was it. So people prolly don't count em as "skill quest's".. *shrugs*
For e/mo, this is what I see that's new.
Lightning Bolt
Watchful Healing
Ebon Hawk
Glowing Gaze
Supportive Spirit
Words of Comfort
Pensive Guardian
Shield of Absorbtion
Reversal of Damage
This wouldn't piss me off so much except that skills that I have unlocked ALREADY are not listed at any of the freakin skill trainers. Better yet, there's no new skills when you get to a new area. I think it's pretty lame to have to run basically the same skills for 20 levels, and even if you unlock some in RA like I have done, you still might not get to use them!
Lightning Bolt
Watchful Healing
Ebon Hawk
Glowing Gaze
Supportive Spirit
Words of Comfort
Pensive Guardian
Shield of Absorbtion
Reversal of Damage
This wouldn't piss me off so much except that skills that I have unlocked ALREADY are not listed at any of the freakin skill trainers. Better yet, there's no new skills when you get to a new area. I think it's pretty lame to have to run basically the same skills for 20 levels, and even if you unlock some in RA like I have done, you still might not get to use them!